Hello  AI friends,
I have (HP-F-jet380) scanner, but didn't have (OCR, scanning software. I heard that fine-reader works really good. So I urgently need the download link for fine-reader latest (OCR scanning soft ware). Can anyone of our group members help me in this thing? Please send the link or zip file to below mentioned email ID or skipe ID personally. Your immediate help will be highly appreciated.
I am eagerly waiting  for your  favourable reply.

Your are most welcome to share your comments, suggestions and valuable new ideas to these inboxes or mobile#!


Mobile: 0/9840228250.

Skipe: speak-sarav


Thanks with warm Regards,

A moment of patience and a moment of anger can help you to AVOID a thousand moment of sorrows.
Always think twice before you react in any situation.

English teacher.



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