dear sasi, really you have a lot of potensials to deliver now. i say
this not just motivate but because now you are a student of literature
who has a mastery over the language. so with the power of language and
a  sense of creativity you could pen  many articles both in blogs and
to newspapers and magazines. moreover as you know, there are many  of
our  friends who are   struggling to speak in english. to whom you
could be a good spoken english teacher. also you could write NET exams
and be qualified as a JRF candidate and with government's stiphon you
could persue PHD. otherwise you could be a lecturer in any college. so
now you have started to mould your real metal. hence continue to shape
it well and sure it will yield good fruits in near future. if you want
further help or any assistance dont forget  to count on me. regards

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