Our flexible friend 

Ian Sample 

There is growing evidence that the brain can be trained to compensate for dead 
or damaged areas. 

The idea that the brain is "hardwired" is steadily being overturned. 

On 8 March 1969, an extraordinary experiment was reported in the pages of 
Nature, Europe's leading science journal. It involved a group of people who took
turns to sit in an old dentist's chair and describe the room around them. They 
commented on the presence of a phone on the table, a nearby vase, people's
expressions and how they wore their hair. It was remarkable because all were 
completely blind.

The scientific establishment took a dim view of the work and, for the most 
part, dismissed it as implausible. But today it stands as one of the first, and
most striking, demonstrations of neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to adapt. 
The blind people had learned to "see" through the sensation of touch.

Here's what happened. The back of the chair had been fitted with hundreds of 
tiny stimulators that were hooked up to a video camera. As the camera panned
the room, those in the chair felt tiny vibrations that seemed to dance across 
their skin as the image moved. With practice, the blind volunteers' brains
learned to turn these vibrations into a mental picture of the room. Some became 
so good at it that they ducked when a ball was tossed at the camera.

Once fringe science 

What was regarded as fringe science 40 years ago is currently at the cutting 
edge of neuroscience. With the right training, scientists now know the brain
can reshape itself to work around dead and damaged areas, often with dramatic 
benefits. Therapies that exploit the brain's power to adapt have helped people
overcome damage caused by strokes, depression, anxiety and learning 
disabilities, and may one day replace drugs for some of these conditions. Some 
suggest therapies that tap into the brain's neuroplasticity are already making 
a big difference. Children with language difficulties have been shown to
make significant progress using computer training tools that are the equivalent 
of cerebral cross-training. Work is underway to investigate whether it
is possible to stave off a loss of brain plasticity in older age, which might 
help to address memory problems linked to Alzheimer's disease. Some 
are adopting techniques to help people overcome relationship troubles, 
obsessions, worries and bad habits.

The idea of brain plasticity has been discovered and forgotten many times over 
the centuries. The ancient Greeks accepted the idea, with Socrates believing
that people could train their brains the way gymnasts train their bodies. 
Around the time of Galileo, the idea fell out of favour, as scientists began
to see the world mechanistically, with each object, organ and even parts of an 
organ being attributed well-defined, unchanging roles. It was these ideas
that led to the notion of our brains being "hardwired," an idea that today is 
steadily being overturned.

Norman Doidge, a psychiatrist at the University of Toronto and author of the 
New York Times bestseller, The Brain That Changes Itself, says our ongoing
belief that our brains are hardwired has held up medical progress.

"Our best and brightest neuroscientists thought our brains were structured like 
complex machines, with each part performing one function in one location,
and that had implications. If you were born with a part that was defective, and 
say it gave you a learning disorder, it meant there was nothing you could
do, you had to learn to live with it. If you sustained a brain injury or had a 
stroke and part of your brain broke down, there was nothing you could do.
Brain exercises made no sense, and even more fundamentally, human nature was as 
fixed as the brain from which it emerged," he says.

Neuroplasticity does not see the different regions of the brain as completely 
versatile and certainly not interchangeable. But it recognises that if part
of the brain is damaged, it can be possible to train other areas to take on, at 
least to some extent, the job of the lost brain matter.

One of Doidge's case studies, Cheryl Schiltz, demonstrates how brain plasticity 
can transform a damaged life. Her story began in 1997, when, at the age
of 39, she picked up an infection after a routine operation. To clear it up, 
she was given a course of the antibiotic, gentamicin. When used in excess,
the drug can sometimes destroy cells in the inner ear, causing hearing loss, 
but it is cheap and effective, so is widely used. In Schiltz's case, gentamicin
destroyed her vestibulary system, the looping canals of the inner ear that 
allow us to tell up from down. Tests showed she had only 2 per cent of her 
function left.

What happens to a person who cannot balance is striking. Schiltz felt as if she 
was constantly falling, and as a result, she usually did. When she hit the
floor, the feeling didn't go away. Sometimes, it was as if a trapdoor had 
opened and she was free-falling into an abyss.

Her doctor found an ingenious way to treat her. He fitted her with a 
bizarre-looking helmet fitted with motion sensors. These fed signals to a metal 
that she placed in her mouth. Now, as she tipped forward, she felt a tingle 
ripple to the tip of her tongue. As her head moved to the side, the tingle
rolled sideways.

The first time Schiltz put the device on she began to cry. The wobbles 
subsided. She felt safe. She could stand up. Over time, her brain learned to 
the feeling in her tongue into a sense of balance. After prolonged training 
sessions, Schiltz needed the helmet less and less. Her doctor thinks her brain
tuned into the tiny signals coming from what remained of her vestibulary 
system, and recruited other brain nerves to help out.

There is a darker side to brain plasticity that Doidge has seen in some of his 
own patients. He has treated several men whose relationships were in tatters
because of what Doidge calls an "epidemic" of internet porn addiction. The men 
had spent so much time viewing pornographic images, they had become impotent
with their partners, and some developed extreme sexual tastes. Doidge believes 
that neuroplasticity was at work here, with the men's brains altered by
an almost limitless supply of pictures, available any time at the click of a 
mouse. Most of the men recovered after being banned from using their computers
and going cold turkey.

Some psychiatrists suspect that a common technique called cognitive behaviour 
therapy, which helps people to change their perspective on events in their
lives, may work because of the brain's plasticity.

In his book, Doidge uses ideas of neuroplasticity to promote ways of overcoming 
conditions such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, and other common problems,
such as persistent worries and anxieties. In some instances, he suggests that 
people force themselves to do a rewarding task as soon as they get the urge
to worry or check whether the stove is off for the seventh time. "You have a 
real civil war for four to six weeks, because your brain is pulling you one
way and you are pushing in another, but when it works, it is very powerful," he 

Doidge says he is not anti-medication, but wonders if therapies that tap into 
neuroplasticity will soon replace drug treatments for certain conditions.
"We can change our brains by sensing, imagining and acting in the world. It's 
economical and mostly low-tech, and I'm very, very hopeful." - © Guardian
Newspapers Limited, 2009 

(The Brain That Changes Itself by Norman Doidge is published by Penguin.)


Vikas Kapoor,
MSN Id:dl_vi...@hotmail.com, Yahoo&Skype Id: dl_vikas,
Mobile: (+91) 9891098137.

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