although i'm not yet using loadstone due to a non- gps phone, i've got
this information from a friend on twitter, and checked the website.

for downloading this latest versiion, or for more information, please visit

here i'm copying the what's new information, and a short summery of
what has changed in this version from the website.

Release Notes
The following changes took place in Loadstone GPS version 0.72:

Note: The following is meant as a brief summary. For comments relating to
functions/commands etc please refer to the Loadstone GPS documentation on the
Loadstone GPS web site:

--There are new Russian, Turkish, Danish, Romanian, and Serbian translations.
Most previously available languages have been improved.

--Bluetooth GPS receivers now correctly work when GPS Source is set to "phone".
Functionality of the "phone" source has been improved.

--Commands in the "GPS Submenu" now work on Bluetooth GPS receivers using the
MTK chipset. Additional commands are also available for these devices.

--Multiple databases can now be loaded and used at the same time.

--Querying Checkpoints linked to multiple points saved with the same
coordinates now return the correct name.

--Currently loaded Checkpoints are now included in point searches and
"Show Area" functions.

--There's now an end key setting in the general settings tab to control
what happens when the end key is pressed. The settings are: "Exits" (the
default behaviour), "Confirm exit" and "Ignore." Behaviour of these settings
may vary with handset model; however, Loadstone GPS will usually end up in the
background if "Confirm exit" or "Ignore" is selected.

--Handsets containing the "Focus" key can now be mapped to commands. In
addition, the "Call" key can be mapped.

--The "joystick keys" in "Navigation mode" are now mappable.

--"Shift/Long *" will now perform a "Find point" using

the database. "Shift/Long + joystick keys" will now perform a "Show area" in
the given direction using the database.

--In "Exploration mode" the joystick keys now do nothing.

--Most commands found in the "GPS" submenu can now be mapped to keys.

--The "Start logging" option within the "GPS" submenu will now ask for a file
name. A new log file may be created or an existing file appended to. The log
files are stored in a directory called logs under the Loadstone GPS
file/directory tree.

--The about screen is now displayed in a scrollable dialogue. Please note
that this dialogue does not display correctly on all handset models. This will
be rectified in the future.

--Importing status results are now displayed in a scrollable dialogue.

--Most file list dialogues now contain the "default" file as the second list
entry if a "default" file choice exists.

--If there are unsaved or modified checkpoints upon programme exit, a prompt

will be displayed to allow saving. There is a setting in "General settings" to
turn this on/off.

--In "Navigation mode" there is now a "Last point" submenu to allow performing

operations on the last point displayed by Loadstone GPS. This point can be the
result of a command or a Checkpoint announcement.

--There is now an automatic time zone setting in the

"gps settings" tab found in the "Settings" submenu. Activating this
setting will
try to determine the local time zone rather than using the "Time
offset hours" and
"Time offset minutes" settings. This also accounts for daylight savings time
if applicable.

--It's now possible to enter a literal "." (period character) in a search
string by using ".."

--If "Use Checkpoints only" is "Enabled" the "Find point" and "Show area"
functions will only act on Checkpoints.

--The altitude display now works correctly.



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