Subject: Need some more details about VLC media player!

Hello friends,
I thank you all  for  helping me to get VLC media player. But, I have some more 
doubts  in accessing this application,  please clear my  doubts.
Is it  fully accessable with JAWS? I am unable to  rewind & pass forward this. 
Also  unable to  reduce  or increase  the volume.  Is there any script 
available  to solve these  issues? I am eagerly waiting for your  positive 
replies to my personal  email ID.
Please feel free to pass  your comments, feedbacks & new ideas to  the below 
menntioned contact details.  
The harder the conflicts, the more  glorious the triumph - Thomas Paine.
True friendship consists not inn multitude of friends, but in their worth and 
value - Ben Jonson.

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