I would like another article posted in the list sometime back that
described how technology has made Braille redundant or to that effect
(quoting executives and others who use technology extensively). Can
anyone repost that or give the archive linkl for that? 


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Sathiyaprakash Ramdoss
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2010 9:06 PM
To: accessindia@accessindia.org.in
Subject: [AI] Braille literacy flags, even as technology makes it more

 This following article was taken from

Braille literacy flags, even as technology makes it more urgent
Amy Brittain,
Potter's much-awaited fate will be revealed to these blind children at
Boston's Midnight Madness party at the National Braille Press (NBP).
It will be a
time of celebration, as the party marks only the second time braille
readers have had simultaneous access to a new Harry Potter book

But these braille-literate children are a clear minority in the blind
community. The NBP estimates that today only 12 percent of 55,000
legally blind children
in the United States can read braille - named for founder Frenchman
Louis Braille. Although the number does not account for those
cognitively unable to
read, the literacy rate is down significantly from 50 percent in the

It seems the time, effort, and money it takes to teach children
braille is sometimes passed over in favor of less expensive and less
time-consuming audio
and computer aids. To many within the blind community, this trend
holds serious ramifications.

"[Literacy] is the biggest single determinant of a person's ability to
be successful," says Steven Rothstein, president of Perkins School for
the blind
in Watertown, Mass. "If literacy rates had gone down for the general
population, there would be a political uproar in this country."

Mr. Rothstein estimates that braille literacy is closer to 20 percent
and considers the decline an "enormous crisis" requiring a civil
rights movement for
America's disabled.

According to statistics from the American Foundation for the Blind,
only 32 percent of the blind in the US are employed. But several
studies indicate that
at least 90 percent of that population who hold jobs are braille

The decline in literacy is generally linked to the 1973 Rehabilitation
Act, which mainstreamed blind students into public schools where
teachers were often
unprepared to teach them. Today about 85 percent of blind
schoolchildren are enrolled in public schools.

According to the National Federation of the Blind, 33 states have
enacted bills promoting braille instruction within K-12 school

NBP vice president Tanya Holton says this "grass-roots" effort began
in the late 1980s when blind adults became concerned that American
youth were not receiving
adequate braille instruction. She says guardians should be educated
about such legislation and prepared to fight for braille education.

Trials in seeking better teaching in schools

Stephen Yerardi, class president of Perkins's 2004 graduating high
school class, soberly recalls his family's fight for braille education
in the New Hampshire
public school system when he was 9. He says teachers suggested a
"life-skills program" with no academic instruction and no hope for

"I hated going to school," Mr. Yerardi says by phone. "The teachers
didn't really understand how to teach me, and they were kind of
negative toward me."

Yerardi says he received braille instruction just twice a week -
significantly too little time, he says - from a teacher who mistakenly
reversed dot combinations.

"They had no experience teaching a blind student," he says. "I was the
only person with a physical disability in nine towns."

At age 13, Yerardi says school system administrators paid for his
instruction at Perkins after coming to the conclusion that they could
not provide adequate
resources. Consistent braille and computer instruction at Perkins
changed his academic future, he says. As a dean's list student at
Keene State College where he will
be junior this fall, Yerardi reads textbooks using a PAC Mate personal
digital assistant with audio instruction and a refreshable braille
display. He plans
to teach technology to the blind after he graduates in 2009.

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