Internet Explorer 9: 10 Things to know
Indiatimes Infotech
The software giant Microsoft is all set to update its IE browser. The
Redmond-based company released a platform preview of Internet Explorer
9 for developers at MIX10 Web developer conference in Las Vegas.

Microsoft is betting on IE9's speed and performance to expand its
majority share in the browser market. The company claims that the new
browser will be faster than Firefox 3.6. According to Microsoft, Web
and application developers will want to upgrade to the next version of
Internet Explorer for its optimized performance and HTML 5 support.

Here’s all about Internet Explorer 9’s very first release.
What's new in IE9?
For now, Microsoft is betting on IE9's speed and performance. The
company claims that the new browser will be faster than Firefox 3.6.
The company says Web and application developers will want to upgrade
to the next version of Microsoft's Web browser, IE9, for its optimized
performance and better support for several standards: HTML5, DOM, and
CSS3. IE9 is also the first browser to provide hardware-accelerated
SVG support.

IE9's new script engine, internally known as `Chakra' compiles
JavaScript in the background on a separate core of the CPU, parallel
to IE. HTML5 will also allow IE9 to move beyond resource hogging
browser plug-ins to display multimedia content online.
How IE9 looks?
It is too early to comment on IE9's user interface. For, there is
still no beta release. The platform preview is essentially a frame for
showing off the new browser's JavaScript and rendering engines. So,
there's no Back button, bookmark manager, history feature, toolbars,
and other so-common features in a browser interface.
What exactly is IE9 Platform Preview?
Internet Explorer Platform Preview is not a full Web browser. It is
intended to give developers an opportunity to test and provide
feedback on the underlying platform for Internet Explorer 9.

To distinguish it from a full browser, the company calls it a Platform
Preview. Microsoft plans to update the release every 8 weeks.
Can I use IE 9 release for my regular browsing?
No. As mentioned above, the Platform Preview is not a fully-functional
browser. It opens links in a user's default browser, not the Preview
app. Since the Platform Preview cannot be registered as a default
browser on a user's system, the links do not open in it.

Also, some of the features may or may not be the part of the shipped
version of IE9, depending on developers’ feedback through various
stages of Platform Preview.
Does IE9 release replace my current Internet Explorer?
No, it does not, though it does share some settings with your existing
Internet Explorer installation. Platform Preview installs side-by-side
with earlier versions of Internet Explorer and any other browser(s) on
your computer.
Any cool feature in IE9 release?
Microsoft has released some technology demos that show IE9's better
support for JavaScript, its HTML5 capabilities, and support for
hardware-accelerated graphics. Some demonstrations include, flying
images, map zooming, pulsating bubbles and GPU-powered falling balls.
What are system requirements for IE 9 release?
Users need a Windows PC running either Windows 7 or Vista. On Vista,
you need to have installed Internet Explorer 8 and you need to install
the Platform Update for Windows Vista, available on Windows Update
since October, 2009.

Platform Preview is only available in a 32-bit x86 version but it will
install and run on 64-bit Windows 7 and Vista.
Can IE 9 release run on Windows XP?
No. Microsoft has said that IE9 will not be available on Windows XP.
According to the company, "IE9's GPU-powered graphics take advantage
of new technologies available in Windows 7 and back-ported only to
Windows Vista. These technologies depend on advancements in the
display driver model introduced first in Windows Vista."
When will first IE 9 beta ship?
Microsoft has still not given any fixed time period for the beta
release of IE9. The company says that the beta version will be
released as a full browser once the build has reached the customer
quality bar.
How can I download IE 9 release?
The IE9 Platform Preview can be downloaded from Microsoft's Web site .

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