Date:21/03/2010 URL: 

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Microsoft speeds up app development with free tools

G. Ananthakrishnan

The move follows a clear global trend of growing mobile data consumption and 
flat revenues per phone user
CHENNAI: Microsoft has opened up a suite of software tools for the 
international developers, free, for them to write applications and games for 
its Windows Phone 7 series of mobile devices that are scheduled to go on sale 
later this year. The move to speed up application development follows a clear 
global trend, of growing mobile data consumption and flat revenues per phone 

As mobile data use becomes ubiquitous, the market for application software is 
expanding fast. Applications sales are estimated to be worth $17.5 billion by 
2012, up from about $ five billion in 2009. Several phone and software 
companies are opening up their online marketplace to application developers, 
who now have the opportunity to write 'apps' that help users do anything from 
playing games to accessing social networking sites such as Facebook and 
Twitter, to booking tickets, tracking flights and listening to music. This they 
can do for various platforms built by Apple, Google, the upcoming Microsoft 
Windows Phone 7 series, and others, on different commercial terms.

As it prepares for the coming festival season launch of Windows Phone 7 series 
mobiles, Microsoft recently announced free access to its main developer tools 
for phones - Visual Studio 2010, Expression Blend 4 and XNA Game Studio 4. The 
new phone series provides support for the Silverlight framework of Microsoft, 
which helps to build rich media applications for business and entertainment on 
computers, the web and on mobile devices.

Free access to tools were among the highlights at the MIX 10 conference for the 
developer community held in Las Vegas, the U.S., between March 15 and 17. The 
guided approach to application development complements Microsoft's decision to 
define hardware standards for its Windows Phone 7 series devices to be made by 
leading vendors. By guaranteeing the specifications of a phone belonging to 
this series, the customer can be sure of performance levels, company executives 

The minimum features of the devices include a sensitive capacitive touch 
interface, GPS, accelerometer, compass, five megapixel camera with flash, a 
camera button, 256 MB memory, eight GB flash storage, directx 9 acceleration, 
ARMv7 Cortex/Scorpion processor or better.

Joe Belfiore, corporate vice-president, Windows Phone, told MIX 10 that the new 
phone series, strongly woven around social networking behaviour, is designed 
for a user who is '38 years old, 76 per cent employed and 73 per cent in a 
partnered relationship." That user profile stands in contrast to the trend of 
phones aimed primarily at youth. The design specifications are oriented towards 
users who are described by Microsoft as "life maximisers."

Microsoft hopes that its foray into mobile phones will give it a significant 
share in the mobile data segment, which is estimated to grow at an annual 
compounded rate of 131 per cent and mobile voice at 112 per cent over the next 
three years. By comparison, data access from fixed lines is seen as growing 
only by 39 per cent CAGR, while fixed line voice use is actually expected to 
decline by 6 per cent CAGR.

Speaking to journalists in Barcelona at the Mobile World Congress, Austen 
Mulinder, Microsoft's corporate vice-president, worldwide communications 
sector, pointed out that the number of wireless Internet-connected devices is 
expected to go up to 10 billion by 2015, up from two billion today. Another 
metric of interest is the number of users of social networking sites, which 
currently stands at about 800 million.

The factor that will differentiate the smart-phones of the future is data 
integration - software and programs that connect the personal computer and the 
mobile phone - and not all providers possess all the pieces here. Music, 
gaming, search, maps, instant messaging and so on are part of this value set. 
Aaron Woodman, Microsoft's director of mobile communications, argues that Apple 
does desktop to mobile integration in the area of music, Nokia offers the 
service suite Ovi, and Google has search and map services, but in terms of deep 
integration of all these services with a gaming platform, for example, 
Microsoft is unique in also possessing the X-Box Live. The mobile small screen 
is set to witness a lot of action in the coming months.

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