From: Mahesh Chandrasekar []
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2010 1:08 PM
To: CBR Forum: Admin
Subject: Jun 2010 - CBR Forum - E- News Bulletin

CBR Forum E-News Bulletin
- A Compilation of News, Information and Updates

Jun 2010 - CBR Forum - E- News Bulletin

First issue: Oct 2007, Current Issue No. #33

Networking, Advocacy and Lobbying - in promoting the rights of persons with 
disabilities and enhance the potential to exercise these rights.
Compiled by:
C. Mahesh, Advocacy Coordinator<>


Panel on disability law seeks time

The committee constituted by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment to 
draft a new Persons With Disability Act has sought more time from the ministry.

Disabled people plan hunger strike in Delhi for rights law

A group of disabled people will begin an indefinite hunger strike from 
Wednesday outside the Shastri Bhawan, which houses many central government 
ministries, to protest their poor representation on a committee drafting a new 
law protecting their rights.

Disability activists demand more say in drafting new Act

NEW DELHI: Disability activists held a candlelight vigil outside the residence 
of Union Social Justice and Empowerment Minister Mukul Wasnik on Saturday 
demanding that more disabled people be made part of the committee for drafting 
the new disability Act.

Deaf get representation in panel on disability act

The government has decided to include a hearing impaired person in the 
newly-formed committee which will draft the new disability act, activists of 
groups working for the disabled said Wednesday.

Disability and Census of 2011

While the current focus of political debate is on 'caste and census,' there is 
another important aspect that deserves attention. This concerns disability

No temple entry for a wheelchair

New Delhi:  A trip to a temple in Karnataka is going to remain etched in the 
minds of this Delhi-based family but for all the wrong reasons.
Read more at:

Rejected disabled CAT-taker moves court against IIMs

Mumbai: Do the IIMs adequately fill up the disability quota for students? No, 
thinks Rahul Girreddy, who took CAT this year and has filed a petition against 
the IIMs in the Bombay high court.

Mom wins battle for disabled daughter

BANGALORE: Trained in classical and Western dance, and an aspiring model, this 
Oxford Dental College graduate's dreams of higher studies were almost dashed 
after she met with an accident that left her completely immobile. But her grit, 
and more so her mother's spirit, changed her life and that of many others for 
the better.

Sops for differently-abled

HYDERABAD: Chief Minister K. Rosaiah announced benefits for the 
differently-abled persons in the State during a review of various activities 
taken up by the government for their welfare here on Friday.

Topper knocks on government door for help

HYDERABAD, June 1 -- Through he has challenged his handicap and stood as 11th 
ranker in the IIT

SADAREM (Software for Assessment of Disabled for Access, Rehabilitation & 

Andhra Pradesh Govt. use SADARAM to identify the extent of disability. Andhra 
Pradesh CM DR K Rosaiah agreed to provide more benefits to the disabled.

Disabled athletes left high & dry, India may lose out on medals

NEW DELHI: Disability sports comprising 15 events in the upcoming Commonwealth 
Games (CWG) in New Delhi will account for 45 medals - a gold, silver and a 
bronze medal for each event.

Govt. decried for inappropriate assistive devices

Leading a life on the wheelchair is agonising but what is more painful is the 
government's apathy in supplying these assistive devices without understanding 
the individual's need, lamented Director of Welfare of Disabled and Senior 
Citizens, Savithri.

Art support

After finishing school, Ritu, a hearing-impaired student, didn't want to go in 
for any theory-intensive subjects. More focused on getting a job and becoming 
self-reliant, she applied for a diploma programme in fine arts at the College 
of Art, Delhi. It's a course that's tailor-made for hearing-impaired students, 
who are taught only practical subjects along with other students.

India's disabled dance troupe

New Delhi-based Guru Salaudddin Pasha, 39, is a disabled rights activist who 
runs the world's first and only dance troupe, Ability Unlimited, exclusively 
for disabled artists with conditions ranging from polio, dyslexia, cerebral 
palsy and autism, as well as other mental, visual and hearing difficulties. 
Theatre therapy classes are taught by physically disabled teachers with the aim 
of nourishing student artists' minds and bodies so they can learn to 
participate actively in Indian society

2 schools for the disabled secure 100% pass record

Like most other students, Shrikant Mali (15) is apprehensive about leaving his 
school and starting junior college.

'Visually impaired teachers as capable as sighted ones'

PUNE: An audio-visual presentation on Chhatrapati Shivaji by a visually 
impaired teacher and his team had students from two schools hooked onto the 
unique session at the Modern English Medium School on Monday afternoon. The 
session was conducted to disprove the popular notion that visually impaired 
teachers cannot teach effectively.

Dispur move for disabled

Guwahati, June 15: The Guwahati Metropolitan Development Authority has set a 
June 30 deadline for hospitals, malls and commercial buildings in the city to 
introduce disabled-friendly facilities.

Number of disabled, SC/ST applicants nears 19,000

The number of applicants who have applied to the Delhi University (DU) this 
year, in the physically challenged and SC/ST categories, has risen in the last 
few years.

Disabled candidates write to DU for change of college

Expressing unhappiness with their designated colleges, many students who 
applied to Delhi University through the quota for the Physically Handicapped 
(PH), turned to the Dean of Students' Welfare Office on Monday demanding a 
different college.

Prominent Schools at Kolkata contribute towards disabled kids

Kolkata, West Bengal, June 8, 2010 /India PRwire/ -- How willing are city 
schools to admit children with disabilities? Are the schools equipped to 
provide children with disabilities the atmosphere to learn and grow? Do they 
encourage inter-mingling between children with disabilities and other students?

No money for fee: DU to help blind students

NEW DELHI: The 21 visually impaired students who couldn't get admission on June 
24 to different colleges of Delhi University since they failed to pay the fees 
have found a saviour in the Equal Opportunity Cell (EOC) of the university.

Visually impaired get 10 years RI for raping blind girl

New Delhi, Jun 14 (PTI) A Delhi court has sentenced a visually-impaired man to 
10 years rigorous imprisonment for raping a blind student at a hostel run by 
him here two years ago.

Cops parade deranged man as Maoist

The "dreaded" Maoist captured by joint forces on Wednesday only one apparently 
caught alive at the encounter site where eight rebels lay dead is a 20-yr-old 
mute and mentally challenged youth.

Indian laws need to be amended: former judge

PUNE: Terming the UN enabled Convention on the Rights of Persons with 
Disabilities (CRPD) as 'ultimate protector' of human rights of 
mentally-challenged population, former chief justice of Delhi and Madras High 
Court A P Shah Monday exhorted the need for amendments in concerned existing 
Indian laws to make them fall in line with the international human rights 

Bhopal gas disaster: Centre to file new petition

NEW DELHI: The Group of Ministers (GoM) on Bhopal gas disaster on Monday 
decided that Centre would file a new petition in the case.
The GoM recommended enhanced compensation to the families of those dead in the 
gas leak and to those debilitated permanently or partially.

Scots provide life skills to children with disabilities in Bangalore

A walk into APD centre would see bustling activity of Scottish children and 
Teachers bubbling with enthusiasm. Their visit is part of the ongoing Global 
Citizenship Partnership programme between the APD and Scottish schools.

Disabled youth booked for setting girl on fire

An youth allegedly set a girl afire after he was assaulted by her relatives in 
Jethwara area of Pratapgarh on Monday. The girl succumbed to the burns later in 
the evening at the district hospital.


UN: Include Disabilities in Development Agenda

Address Disability in Plans for Women's Equality, Empowerment
(New York, June 28, 2010) - This week's high-level ministerial meeting about 
gender equality in international development assistance should promote the 
rights and needs of women with disabilities, Human Rights Watch said today.  
Specifically, governments should address the marginalization of women with 
disabilities in the declaration to be adopted on July 1, 2010.

Spain first country to submit its initial report to the CRPD Committee

In May 2010 Spain submitted its initial report on the implementation of the 
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to the Committee on the 
Rights of Persons with Disabilities (the CRPD Committee). To read in Spanish 
only follow links at

He has cerebral palsy, and could be the next Oprah

Internet superstar leads voting to host Oprah's new talk show
A laugh-out-loud funny guy in a wheelchair just might be the next Oprah, if he 
and his legions of supporters get their way. He also hopes to change a few 
minds about people with disabilities along the way.

No easy pickings - UK

George Osborne, the chancellor of the exchequer, is on the hunt for fat to 
trim. As the Institute for Fiscal Studies said, last week's tough Budget 
implies that some departments might have their budgets cut by one third. As he 
noted this weekend, the £14bn disability benefit bill is a tempting target.

Berlusconi Targets 'Blind' Who See as Budget Cuts Tackle Fraud

June 30 (Bloomberg) -- Maria, a 55 year-old unemployed woman from Naples, 
crosses herself when asked about former Councilman Salvatore Alaio. "The man is 
a saint," she said. Alaio helped her get a disability pension for blindness, 
even though she can see

Apple accused of 'discrimination' over iPhone 4

Apple has been accused of ''discrimination'' over the design of their iPhone 4 
- amid claims that left handers find it more difficult to use.

God helps woman turn around a life of drugs, disability and abuse

MASSILLON, Ohio - Dovie Smith was 14 when she smoked her first marijuana joint. 
It was the first in a series of choices that sent her life spiraling out of 

Canada's First Virtual Ability Expo

Ability Expo 2010 focuses on breaking down barriers for persons with 
disabilities by offering innovative ways to reach vendors and providers of 
products and services.  Canada's Virtual Ability Expo will be held 21-22 
October 2010 and is of interest to persons with disabilities, employers, or 
product suppliers. For more information go to

Largest festival of disabled artists opens in DC

WASHINGTON - Jesse Higman's paintbrush isn't a brush at all. With limited 
mobility in his hands because of a car crash 27 years ago, this Seattle-based 
artist created a method all his own.

New online comic treats disabilities realistically

When Jeff Preston and his spouse and creative partner Clara Madrenas decided to 
launch an online comic about disabled teenagers in London, they didn't realize 
the wide reach of their work.

Boy without arms puts his best foot forward

Ever imagined what life would be like with a missing body part? And imagine not 
having both your hands. Here is a little boy who manages to do a whole lot of 
things even without hands.

C: RESOURCES - Newsletter, Publication,Journal, Guideline,Website

CBR India Network

The purpose of this network is to promote CBR as a strategy for inclusive 
development fostering equality, well-being and dignity of people with 
disabilities and their families.

Human Rights Watch reporting on women with disabilities

Please visit:

Mental Health Abuses in Indonesia

In Indonesia, persons with mental illness are trapped in restraints or locked 
in isolation rooms. Many lie in their own feces because they are unable to walk 
due to muscular atrophy.
To read more go to

Family of Disabled -Newsletter

(FOD) has completed 17 years of its services to the disabled fraternity, a 
strong need was being felt by our well-wishers as well as at FOD to keep in 
touch with each other and also inform the latest at FOD. Hence, the newsletter 
of FOD- FODder was introduced earlier this year for the purpose. Please go to 
the following link to see the latest edition of the FODder (Jan-April 2010)

Women with Disabilities Australia (WWDA)

Submission from Women With Disabilities Australia (WWDA), to the Australian 
Government Consultation Paper: Family Violence - Improving Legal Frameworks

Tenth issue of the Disability and Rehabilitation Newsletter

The tenth issue of the WHO newsletter dedicated to disability and 
rehabilitation which is also available through the DAR Website

Network of Persons with disAblities Organizations (NPdO), Andhra Pradesh

NPDo has informally launched its website<>

Project CHILD Releases Findings*

The Doha International Institute for Family Studies and Development (DIIFSD) 
would like to announce the completion of "Project CHILD Voices from around the 
World Special Report." Report available at

Forced Migration Review on Disability and Displacement

Forced Migration Review on Disability and Displacement is available free to 
view or download on line.

June 2010 Vol-5, No-6 Newsletter of Design For All Institute of India


Schemes for scholarships for minority students

Web site:<>

'The NCPEDP-MphasiS Universal Design Awards'

NCPEDP in association with AccessAbility and BarrierBreak Technologies and 
supported by MphasiS has instituted the first ever 'The NCPEDP-MphasiS 
Universal Design Awards' to encourage those doing exemplary work towards the 
cause of accessibility and thus ensuring a life of equality and dignity for 
disabled people. The last date for nominations is July 15th, 2010. For further 
details contact Ms. Dorodi Sharma,<>

Community-based rehabilitation (CBR) global database

The CBR global database will facilitate greater exchange of knowledge and 
information among the CBR community.

Stakeholder Consultation on UNGASS Prevention Indicators - Have your say!

The first of the broad consultations on the Global UNGASS prevention 
indicators, which are monitoring the HIV response at country level. This is a 
great opportunity to try to get some disability indicators included.
For more write to - UNGASS Prevention Indicator Consultation Team,<>

Actuate launches software for visually impaired

Business software maker Actuate Corp. said Monday that it has launched a 
product to enable visually impaired people to access online documents.

Call for Nominations

Nominations are now being sought for the Jodi Awards 2010. The Jodi Awards are 
presented to the best use of digital technology to widen access to information, 
collections, learning and creativity for persons with disabilities. Museums, 
galleries, libraries, archives, heritage sites and disability organizations 
from around the world are eligible to apply. Deadline for submissions is 9 
August 2010. For information go to

Survey about news and entertainment media

A partner of Disability Rights Promotion International has created a survey 
about news and entertainment media. They would like disability advocates to 
give their opinions about this important issue. It is hoped that people with 
disabilities in general and those from disability organizations will take the 
Here is the survey link:

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Disclaimer: This e-news is a collation of articles/ news from national and 
international sources. The contents of the same do not necessarily represent 
the views of CBR Forum.

C. Mahesh
Advocacy Coordinator
CBR Forum
14, CK Garden, St. Thomas Town Post
Wheeler Road Extension
Bangalore - 560 084
Tel - 080- 2549 7387 or 2549 7388<><><>

"The issue is not the absence of equal rights but the inability to exercise 

"When Policies weaken, Rights must be strengthened"

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