Dear Friends,

I am so glad with Zujar's point to point response.  He himself is a
senior programmer and an excellent trainer.  His inputs are highly

Can I also get more responses to my query as many of the list members
said this is a crucial subject.  We have people on this list from
various backgrounds and they have gone though all the phases to become
a successful programmer / IT professional.

Please share your thoughts which will help aspiring students.

Prashant Naik

On Sat, Nov 27, 2010 at 9:31 PM, Zujar <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am presenting my views below with respect to questions put forth by
> Prashant. Not all on the list may agree with these but I believe I could
> clear the picture to some extent.
> 1.      What basic skills they need to have?
> Logical Reasoning and Analytical skills are primarily required for one to be
> a programmer.
> 2.      How they can test themselves whether they can do programming or not?
> Understanding the Input-Process-Output (IPO) cycle is primarily important to
> write a program. If one can understand the inputs required for a task, the
> way it has to be processed and the expected outcome then he can write a
> program in a known language. For example, to write a program that calculates
> the square of a given number x, x is the input, multiplying x by itself is
> the process and x2 is the output. The program has to know how to capture x
> from the user, how to multiply x by itself and how to display the result of
> multiplication to the user in a sequential flow.
> One who is willing to be a programmer should consider day-to-day scenarios
> like writing a letter, dialing a phone call, baking a cake, etc and analyze
> them as shown in the above example. Ability to do so would ensure great
> success.
> 3.      Any preliminary exam / test they can give to test their logic
> development and basic program development skills?
> Institutes conducting programming courses generally conduct aptitude tests
> before enrolling candidates to a particular course. I too did so at GTL's
> Advanced Computer Training Center for the Blinds while enrolling candidates
> for the Advanced course.
> 4.      You have option to go for programming training at training
> institutes like N I I T, Aptech, etc. or you can do it from NAB Karnataka,
> NIVH, GTL, etc. what we can suggest considering factors like fees, duration,
> market recognition, course content, training quality, etc.
> I am an NIITian and found their course contents, teaching methodology and
> learning environment really comprehensive. The fees is quite high but the
> courses have a market recognition. GTL's Advanced Computer Training Center
> for the Blinds also offers a programming course for a very low fee. The
> course contents are revised periodically to keep up with market trends.
> Though it does not promise placements, we have Sanjeev and Sai procuring
> jobs for themselves after completing this course. The major constraint with
> reputed institutes like NIIT, Aptech, etc is non-availability of
> screen-reading software. Besides, sighted guys find it really difficult to
> make a visually challenged person understand what's happening on the
> computer, though this is not impossible. Blinds institutes like NAB, NIVH,
> etc really need to step forward with such courses besides basic computing
> and Ms-Office.
> 5.      What about communication skills, English, Maths knowledge?
> One needs good communication skills for any job, not only IT jobs. Basic
> English is sufficient for putting forth ideas and views and also understand
> others. Mathematics is important coz that helps one to implement solutions
> in different scenarios. For example, the formula for simple interest
> calculation is known to most of us. It takes Principal amount, Term of
> deposit and Rate of Interest into consideration for calculating simple
> interest. The same formula works when you need to determine the Principal
> amount knowing Term of deposit, Rate of Interest and Simple Interest.
> Programming scenarios are similar to this. One has to logically put together
> programming blocks to achieve desired results.
> 6.      Students and their parents spend huge amount in enrolling them for
> programming course from private institutes but is it worth?
> It depends on various factors. The students' interest may be high at the
> time of enrolling but subsides with time causing performance to drop.
> Besides long-term courses run for two to three years which is too long for
> markets to remain constant. One cannot ensure that a programming language,
> operating platform or technology in demand today would have the same level
> of demand two or three years down the line. Job seekers, especially
> freshers, need to remain abreast latest developments in order to recruit for
> a job of choice.
> 7.      What is a current status on getting break into programming job?
> IT companies are hiring in lots now-a-days. Companies have projects in
> pipeline and aggressive growth plans for which they need professionals.
> 8.      Many IT companies do prefer engineering and computer application
> degree as entry criteria.  and what about accessibility at work place for
> differnt programming situations, remote servers, GUI development, sharing
> terminals, team support, seniors / colleague awareness, etc.
> It's true that organizations prefer BEs and BCA/MCA students. Still they do
> consider candidates with diverse qualifications possessing right skills and
> aptitude and willingness to learn. Not all of them have accessibility tools
> in place and this is one of the primary reasons for some of them to reject
> challenged candidates. Team support and awareness fall in place once people
> start working with challenged candidates. A positive and participative
> attitude and patience play a vital role in getting team support and winning
> confidence.
> 9.      What you will advise these students in general?
> If one is interested in programming and has the right aptitude then start
> collecting information about courses offered by various institutes. Evaluate
> them on parameters like course content, duration, fee, market demand, course
> accessibility, placement assistance, etc to find what suits you. Also
> consider career options beyond programming like testing, business analysis,
> information analysis, database administration, windows administration,
> networking and others that people on the list may suggest.
> Best Regards,
> Zujar...
> An optimist laughs to forget while a pessimist forgets to laugh!!!
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Sandeep Kaler
> Sent: Thursday, November 25, 2010 10:21 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [AI] Guidence on programming career
> Hello Prashant,
> Software development is not an easy job by diploma holders. Diploma holders
> are to compete with the  B.Tech degree  holders in open market. Out of them
> only a few can become top level developers.
> I am not going to discourage the students to become developers but one
> should
>  keep in mind the capabilities / challenges of doing such jobs .
> Thanks
> Sandeep Kaler
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Prashant Naik" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Thursday, November 25, 2010 2:20 PM
> Subject: [AI] Guidence on programming career
>> Dear Accessindians,
>> I have following queries especially for all those who are into
>> programming profession like Harish, Dinesh, Manish Agarwal, Zujar,
>> Charu, Sai, Dipendra, Pranav, Prashant Verma, Shreenivasu and many
>> more from these list who are into actual programming and IT  / Testing
>> field .
>> Generally a lot of our students are interested in IT field as a
>> profession.  And in IT sector they feel programming is the only option
>> which is not a fact.  They always inquire about how and where they can
>> learn programming?  What is a career scope for them?  What about
>> screen reader accessibility with different programming languages,
>> technologies and environments? And so on.
>> Many of these students are from non-IT background like either pursuing
>> their degree in arts or degree / master holder in arts stream, etc.
>> Few are good computer user with jaws and few are not so good in even
>> basic operation of windows, office applications and jaws.
>> During career seminars or workshop most of the VI students will have
>> desire to go for IT and in particular programming.
>> So following are my few queries.
>> 1. What basic skills they need to have?
>> 2. How they can test themselves whether they can do programming or not?
>> 3. Any preliminary exam / test they can give to test their logic
>> development and basic program development skills?
>> 4. You have option to go for programming training at training
>> institutes like N I I T, Aptech, etc. or you can do it from NAB
>> Karnataka, NIVH, GTL, etc. what we can suggest considering factors
>> like fees, duration, market recognition, course content, training
>> quality, etc.
>> 5. What about communication skills, English, Maths knowledge?
>> 6. Students and their parents spend huge amount in enrolling them for
>> programming course from private institutes but is it worth?
>> 7. What is a current status on getting break into programming job?
>> Many IT companies do prefer engineering and computer application
>> degree as entry criteria.  and what about accessibility at work place
>> for differnt programming situations, remote servers, GUI development,
>> sharing terminals, team support, seniors / colleague awareness, etc.
>> 8. What you will advise these students in general?
>> Hoping to have a good discussion and response on this topic.
>> Best regards,
>> Prashant Naik
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