Government of India

Presidents Secretariat 

03-December-2010 16:14 IST 

Speech by her Excellency the President of India 

Shrimati Pratibha Devisingh Patil at the Presentation of the National Awards 

the Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities 

Ladies and Gentlemen, 

I am delighted to participate in the presentation ceremony of the National 

Awards for the Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, on the occasion of the 

International Day of Persons with Disabilities, 2010. Today, we honor those 

individuals and institutions who have overcome the enormous odds posed by their 

disabilities, to excel in various fields. I am impressed to see their 

determination, hard work and enthusiasm. I feel they are more effective than 

many abled persons. We also honour those who have made outstanding contribution 

towards empowerment of persons with disabilities. It is an appropriate occasion 

to reflect on our collective endeavors in creating an inclusive society, in 

which every member of the society, including persons with disabilities enjoy 

equal opportunities and are able to develop to their fullest potential. 

World over there is awareness that this issue requires focus. Recently, during 

my State visit to Syria, I visited AAMAL an institution for differently-abled 

where an approach that prepares them in a manner that they integrate into the 

mainstream, is being followed. Along with training the child, they also train 

parents on how to look after their children at home. I was impressed with the 

work being done there. In India also there is a growing consciousness on this 

account. As you would be aware, India was among the first countries to ratify 

the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which came into 

force on 3rd May, 2008. Our ratification demonstrates our resolve to move 

forward on the agenda to provide differently-abled citizens of our country with 

an environment that enables them to participate in the various activities of 

society and the nation. I am informed that the Government has set up a 

comprising disability activists, experts, State Governments and other 

stakeholders to draft a new legislation to replace the existing Persons with 

Disabilities Act of 1995 in line with the UN Convention. The requirements and 

the concerns of the disabled should be fully reflected, and I hope that the 

Committee will come up with a satisfactory and practical draft of the new 

legislation before long. The basic objective of the policies should be to make 

them self-reliant. 

Education is very important as it provides opportunities for employment and 

advancement. The goal of inclusive and universal elementary education is being 

pursued under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan. I am happy to learn that this has now 

been supplemented by a new Scheme of Inclusive Education for Disabled at the 

Secondary Stage, which covers children with disabilities studying at the 

secondary stage. The aim of the scheme is to enable all students with 

disabilities, completing eight years of elementary schooling, an opportunity to 

complete a further four years of secondary schooling from Classes IX to in an 

inclusive environment. Education must make the differently-abled strong, both 

mentally and physically, to face the world. It is, therefore, necessary, that 

appropriate teaching-learning environment and provision of learning materials 

an accessible format are provided. Teachers should be trained so that they can 

understand the needs of children with disabilities, and thereby teach and guide 

them properly. Teachers and society should become more sensitive and 

towards disabled persons. 

We need to remove physical barriers that do not allow persons with disabilities 

to access various facilities and services. As a component of their right to 

education, school buildings should be made free from physical barriers for 

children with special needs. Simple aids and assistive devices such as hearing 

devices, limb prosthesis, wheelchairs and Braille writing equipment help them 

immensely in mobility, communication and daily living. It is absolutely 

essential to make such aids and appliances, including computer software, 

available to all persons with disabilities, at a reasonable cost. 

I believe that in this age of Information Technology, it is also imperative to 

make technology accessible. I am happy to note that since last January, the 

Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment became the first Central Ministry to 

make its website accessible to persons with disabilities. This is commendable 

and worthy of emulation. The Ministry should share the basic design and 

with other Ministries and organizations so that others can follow suit. A few 

others have already done so. It is also a good development that a new category 

of National Award, namely for Websites with best accessibility has been 

introduced this year. 

The world has seen any number of eminent scientists, mathematicians, musicians, 

painters, poets, dancers and athletes who had some disability or the other. All 

these persons overcame various obstacles through sheer grit and determination, 

and support of the family and society. The full and effective participation of 

person with disability in society on an equal basis with others can be helped 

the behavioral attitudes that they encounter when they interact in society. We 

must treat them with dignity and full respect. The family, community and 

in general, have an important role to play in ensuring socio-psychological and 

emotional integration of persons with disabilities. It is necessary to correct 

the prevailing bias in society, particularly with regard to persons with mental 

disabilities, through sustained education and awareness campaigns. Civil 

organizations and academic institutions in the country should spearhead this 

movement. Special attention must be given to women and children with 

disabilities, those who are socially and economically weak, and those residing 

in rural areas and urban slums, as they are the most disadvantaged. 

Prevention and early detection are two other critical aspects on which 

needs to be generated. The schemes of Integrated Child Development Scheme and 

National Rural Health Mission have an extremely important role to play in this 

regard, and I urge the concerned Ministries to lay adequate stress on this 

aspect while implementing their schemes. Measures such as immunization and 

disease prevention, improvement of hygiene, better nutrition and access to 

healthcare, maternal and neonatal care need to be taken in right earnest. 

Economic empowerment of persons with disabilities is another major issue. 

Opportunities for employment and self-employment for them at present are 

inadequate. No doubt, we have provisions for reservation in employment in all 

establishments in the Government Sector, but the backlog of reserved vacancies 

for persons with disabilities, needs to be filled up through concerted action 

all Government organizations. Similarly, the private sector must come forward 

provide employment opportunities to persons with disabilities in their 

establishments and industries. Given the right environment and job selection, 

there is absolutely no doubt that a person with disability is in no way less 

capable than anybody else. The new scheme of Skill Development Initiative must 

be adequately tailored to meet the needs of persons with disabilities, so that 

they acquire skills suited to them, as well as in demand, in the job market. 

Both government and the private sector will have to work hand in hand in this 


In conclusion, I would like to re-emphasize that all Indian, irrespective of 

limitation or impairment, have the right to realize their full developmental 

potential. Therefore, besides a robust policy framework, we must have an 

efficient and effective delivery mechanism. The Central and especially State 

Governments must partner with Civil Society and the private sector, in their 

endeavor to create an inclusive society. 

I congratulate the awardees and convey my best wishes to them for their future. 

They will be an inspiration to others. Let us all pledge to work towards the 

empowerment and inclusion of all. 

Thank You. 

Jai Hind! 

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