Some argue that you don't really need one, but you should know how to prepare a 
resume. Writing individual letters to every prospective employer and headhunter 
is time consuming (and overkill). Let's run over some general rules.

Size and shape
Conventional wisdom says that you should keep your resume down to a page 
because HR people poring through thousands of resumes stop reading after a 
page. Let's face it, your chance of being hired because of the impression your 
resume made among a pack of thousands is slim to none. Your resume is more 
likely to be noticed if you write a dynamite cover letter, and if you write to 
the hiring manager as well as to HR. So if you have something worth saying in 
two pages, say it. Of course, if you can cut the resume down to one by using 
bullet points instead of paragraphs, so much the better. If your resume is ever 
printed (which it may not be in this e-mail age), you'll save everyone the 
trouble of stapling it.

You don't want a one-and-a-quarter page resume. It shows lack of planning.

Cosmetics are important. The top of your resume should match the letterhead on 
your cover letter. Spacing should be consistent and adequate for easy reading. 
Look in resume books at the library or in a bookstore for ideas. Don't look at 
any books that are more than three years old; resume looks go in and out of 
style fast. After you've decided what you want, see whether your word processor 
comes with resume software that you can customize.

Stick to one simple font, and one or two type sizes no smaller than 10 points. 
Some employers have bad eyesight. Don't use color, for the same reason. No 
photos; they make some HR people violent.

Try e-mailing it to yourself and some friends to make sure it comes out well. 
Ask the friends to proof too. One misspelling and you could be out of 
consideration. Hiring managers often think, understandably, that someone who 
can't take the time to proof a resume won't be conscientious on the job.

Resumes are marketing pieces. They're not legal documents. That's why many 
employers make you fill out applications, which have to be signed. Employers 
don't need your whole biography; they just need to know how your experience is 
relevant to the job. That's why, while you should tell the truth and nothing 
but the truth, there's no reason to tell the whole truth.

Items that shouldn't be in resumes include objectives, which you see in old 
resume books. Employers don't care what you want, they care what they want. A 
concise summary of your qualifications and experience, on the other hand, is 

No personal information. No height, weight, health, marital status or hobbies 
unless they're interesting and unusual like helicopter skiing or 
dulcimer-playing or collecting antique ice-cream makers. You don't need 
"References are available on request." Of course they are.

It's fine to limit employment de¬scriptions to the past 10 years, unless you 
have old experience you want people to know about. Summarize your early life in 
a short section called "Other Experience," and be sure to highlight anything 
interesting. Everyone notices the bullet point, "A stint in the CIA."

Education should be after experience unless you've been out of school for three 
years or less. Never list your high school if you graduated from college. Dates 
of graduation aren't necessary and, for the great majority of you who aren't in 
your thirties and are therefore often considered either too young or too old, 
are undesirable. Office skills can go into your summary if you're apply¬ng for 
a secretarial or call-center job; otherwise, put them at the end or leave them 

HR people tell you to list employment dates with months, because they like to 
see whether the job you held "1999-2001" lasted one year or two. There's 
nothing in it for you, though. Year-only listings enable you to leave off your 
four months with the company from hell without appearing to have a gap between 

On that subject, HR people hate gaps. If you have them, try to account for 
them. A functional resume in which you group your skills by category, such as 
"accounting" and "market research" and list your employers briefly at the end, 
is useful not only to deflect attention from a checkered history but also to 
describe a career that may have taken untraditional paths. Some job boards 
don't accept functional resumes, so you may need a chronological version too.

If resumes are scanned into databases in your industry, be sure to include all 
the possible buzzwords that describe your skills. A headhunter told me about a 
satellite TV engineer who was weeded out because his resume didn't mention 
"dishes." A paralegal may miss an opportunity for a "legal assistant."

Sell yourself. Remember, this is marketing. Use power words. You didn't file; 
you organized. You didn't make phone calls; you coordinated. You didn't type; 
you produced.
Whether or not you hit the one-page mark, brief is better. If you left 
something out that people want to know, they'll ask you-at an interview.
    bharat vaya
lecturer Mahavir B.Ed College Dhrangadhra
Email ID
contect no.09428973293

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