
Same here in my case also. The person was well aware about the question #9 and 
noted down everything related to disability along with the other information.

-----Original Message-----
From: Kartik Sawhney
Sent:  19/02/2011, 6:32  pm
To: accessindia@accessindia.org.in
Subject: Re: [AI] Experience with census data collection today


Even I experienced this today, and the enumerator in my case was also
well-aware of the question on disability and explained each of these
details very well.

Let's hope we can get accurate data and statistics on disability this time!


On 2/19/11, Vamshi. G <gvamsh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear friends,
> I had given the census data just now.  The enumerator was well aware
> of the question number 9.
> Question 9 relates to disability.  It consists of 3 parts
> 9 A) Is the person with physical or mental disability?
> 1. Yes.  2. No
> 9 B.  What is the nature of the disability
> Option 1 is for eye.  It also contains speech, hearing, orthopedic,
> mentally challenged, and multiple disability.
> 9C If multiple disability, what is the combination?
> The answer is double digit or triple digit coding of the respective
> options in the above question.
> For example, if 1 is for eye and 2 is for hearing in question 9 B, the
> coding in question 9C should be 12 for a person with blindness and
> hearing impairment.
> I told the enumerator to ask this question in every house.  He
> responded positively.
> --
> G. Vamshi
> PH Res : +91 877-2243861
> Mobile: +91 9949349497
> E-mail ID:
> gvamsh...@gmail.com
> Skype: gvamshi81
> www.retinaindia.org
> From darkness unto light
> Get numbers right this time, help the census with correct disability info!
> Question 9 relates to disability.

Get numbers right this time, help the census with correct disability info!
Question 9 relates to disability.

Get numbers right this time, help the census with correct disability info!
Question 9 relates to disability.

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