Hi Kuldeep and all,
For office commands, you can get all the commands on your own, just follow
the below steps.
This is applicable to office 2003 
1. Open Word and go to Tools menu > Macro > Macros or simply press alt + f8.
2. Tab to Macros in Combo box, and select, word commands.
3. Shift Tab to Macro name, and type "ListCommands" Without space.
4. Tab To run Button and activate it.
5. In the resulting dialog, select all word command radio button and hit

This will list all the commands.


-----Original Message-----
From: kuldeep singh thakur [mailto:kuldeepsingpi...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2011 6:49 AM
To: mrmukeshsha...@gmail.com
Subject: request for most and popular comand for MS word and MS excel.

Hello friend,
I know that You are master of computer. I need most and popular comand for
MS word and excel. please send me meximum comands for office use.
I hope that You will help.
with regard kuldeep singh email: kuldeepsingpi...@gmail.com

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