do they work on Bel?

On 4/14/12, Pranay Gadodia <> wrote:
> Hi all:
> As requested by few AI members, I downloaded the data for ovi maps day
> before using the map loader software in my computer. I connected a nokia c5
> for the purpose, so believe as earlier it should work with ovi maps 3.03 &
> 3.04. The data shared an year ago was also reported to work with version
> 3.01. If someone experiments by using it with other versions, do share the
> results.
> Map downloader is inaccessible with jaws, and the data is free to use, so
> sharing this with all.
> Download link for the data:
> Its a 254 MB .zip file called 'Ovi maps 3.03, 3.04 data for India 12 April
>'. Unzipping it would give you a folder of 311 MB.
> Sometime ago, I also downloaded 10 voices for the same versions which too
> are free. These have English (all), Hindi, Urdu voices and the beeps only
> option.
> Download link for the voices folder (zip file of 35 MB):
> For those who would not know its utility and how to use it, having the map
> data offline in the phone not only saves GPRS costs, but also the map
> software responds faster during navigation etc.
> How to use:
> 1. Make sure the phone has the suggested Ovi Maps version. In few phones I
> have seen it the About page of Ovi maps, which is inaccessible to a screen
> reader. So take sighted assistance.
> 2. After downloading this file, unzip it in your PC. It has 16 folders.
> 3. Connect your phone to PC through USB in mass storage mode.
> 4. Using your computer browse to your memory card, CITIES, diskcache. Here
> you would find same 16 folders apart from other folders and files. But their
> total size would be less than 311 MB. In case the new data files do not
> work, as a fallback you might like to move the current 16 folders from your
> memory card to your computer.
> 5. Now copy the downloaded 16 folders of 311 MB in the diskcache folder in
> memory card.
> 6. Unplug your phone from the computer, open Ovi maps and search for
> cities/states you haven't searched or seen in it before. If it is working
> fine, which I believe it should, it should show those maps instantly without
> the need to download map data of those places using GPRS.
> To use the voices, follow the above directions again for this folder.
> Hope this helps.
> Pranay.
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