If you are not using digest mode of accessindia, You have to select "To line 
contains people" instead "From line contains people".  Each mails come with 
sender's mail ID at from line and accessindia@accessindia.org.in at to line.

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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mujtaba Merchant" <mujta...@gmail.com>
To: <accessindia@accessindia.org.in>
Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2012 12:37 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] a doubt on out look express


There are two parts to your question.

1. How to create folders in Outlook Express?
2. How to automatically make emails from a sender or mail group go directly
into a specific folder in outlook express?

How to create a new folder in Outlook Express and accomplish task 2 for
which you will have to create mail rules are given below.

To start, all email rules in Outlook Express contain four elements. These

1. Condition - this is the trigger for the email rule and is most often the
senders email address. However, it could be specific subject or word within
the email.

2. Action - this is how you would like the program to handle the email. I
usually build rules to move emails to specific folders. You could also copy,
delete, forward, flag, defer or automatically reply to emails.

3. Description - this area is where you further define the actions. For
example, you would provide specifics about which folder to move emails to or
which auto-reply message to use.

4. Rule Name - this is the name you provide for your email rule.

NOTE: In this instructional email we wil learn how to create a folder in
outlook express and then create a rule using the condition where the from
line contains people and the action move it to a specified folder and the
rule will be applied when the mail is received.

The instructions are really long and it may take you some time to digest and
get them right the first time. Be patient with yourself and take time to
review the instructions as many times you want so that you are confident in
doing them correctly.

To create a folder first in outlook express tab to the folder list view and
make sure that the focus is on Inbox. Hit the application key an select the
option New Folder...

Hit enter on this option and it will open a dialog box where it will ask you
to type in the name. Type the name and tab to the OK button and hit enter.

This will take you back to the tree view of the folders in outlook express
and your focus will be at the Inbox folder. Press the down arrow and you
will find the new folder you created. CAUTION: Do not by any chance delete
the inbox folder!!!

You can create multiple folders for multiple rules using the same steps
above. Just make sure that you hit the New Folder option when your focus is
on the Inbox. Failing to do this will create folders under wrong folders and
the rules you create may not work properly and as to expectations causing
unnecessary confusion and trouble.

Now that your folder is created its time to make that message rule we
discussed above with the condition and action.

In the main outlook window press the ALT and T key to go to the tools menu.

Down arrow to where it says Message Rules sub menu and right arrow to open
the sub menu. Hit enter on the first option that says mail.This should open
the message rules dialog box. The focus will be in a list box of message
rules if already set you will have something there and can browse through
them by using the down arrow. If not you need to tab to the new button and
hit enter. This will open the New Mail Rule dialog box. Here it will
instruct you that you need to Select your Conditions and Actions first, then
specify the values in the Description. Again the focus will be in a list box
with options having check boxes. Here the first option will be that Select
the Conditions for your rule: Please check the box that says Where the From
line contains People. Tab to the next list box with check box options where
you need to Select the Actions for your rule: Here check the option which
says move it to a specified folder. Tab to the next box.

This is the description step now for your rule. here is where it might get a
bit complicated and confusing so pay close attention. The last option here
is where it says Rule Description (click on an underlined value to edit it):
Use your reading keys and press the down arrow key. JAWS will repeat the
words where you need to input the value based on the above rules selection
the first input value should be contains people, hit enter here to open the
Select People dialog box.

Here you are given a choice to Type one name at a time and click Add, or
select people from the
Address Book. It is recommended that you select the members from your
address book. NOTE: The person should already be in your contacts list or
address book for you to successfully complete this step if not please escape
this process and add the person to your contact list first, and redo the
steps above.

Tab on this dialog box to the addressbook button and hit  enter. This will
open a new dialog box. Tab twice to the combo box that shows you the address
book currently selected and make sure the right one is in focus, if not use
the up or down arrow to select the right one. Tab to the list box next that
contains all the addresses in your contact list. Use the up and down arrow
keys to move the focus on the contact this rule applies to and hit enter on
it to select that contact. NOTE: You cannot select multiple contacts in one
go here. I will tell you how to do it later in this mail.

Once you have hit enter on the contact this rule applies to tab
approximately 5 times to the OK button and hit enter. This should take you
back to the Select People dialog box. If you are done with selecting people
then tab to the OK button and hit enter, else your focus will be already on
the Address Book button hit enter again and follow the same process till you
have completed selecting the contacts from your address book for this rule.

Now our focus is back in the description dialog box and if you use the up
and down arrow keys you will notice that the addresses or contacts you
selected will be in the rule. Use the down arrow to the next step of
selecting the folder you want to move the mails of the contacts you
specified to. Again JAWS will repeat the selection word where you need to
input a value. In this case it wil be Specified Folder. Hit enter there.
This will open the move folder dialog box. Focus will be on the tree view of
folders in outlook express both the ones you created and the default folders
will be listed here. Use the up and down arrow keys and the right arrow key
if it says closed to open sub folders under it. Here what you are doing is
moving your focus to the folder you want the rule to move the message to
after it is received. Select the right folder and hit enter.

Your focus is back on the description dialog box. Use the up and down arrow
to reconfirm all the selections for the rule are correct.

Tab to the last option of creating the rule which is naming the rule. Type
in a name which you can relate with, example Access India Mails. Tab to the
OK button and hit enter.

Tap yourself on your back as you have successfully completed creating a rule
in outlook express.

Now Let us understand how this rule will work with an example situation.

Say that you are subscribed to a particular mailing list. For illustration
purpose let as assume that the mailing list is for Access India. You want
all the mails from Access India to move to a folder. The rule that you have
created will take care of this job. Everytime you get a mail from Access
India it will move from your inbox to the folder you have set in your rule
without you interviening. In other words automatically.

Limitations in using the rules as a visually impaired person:
You will not be informed how many mails you have received from the set rule
for any specified contact or mailing list set in your rule. You will have to
manually tab to the folder list in outlook express and focus on Inbox then
use the down arrow to move the focus on the folder where the mails are moved
then press the tab key again to move the focus to the mailing list view of
outlook express. Here you can use the arrow keys and see how many emails you
have received on that rule in the folder you specified.

All efforts have been made to make sure that these instructions are
understandable and easy to do. But just in case you are stuck u can mail me
for further assistance and I will try and resolve the issue as soon as time

-----Original Message-----
From: accessindia-boun...@accessindia.org.in
[mailto:accessindia-boun...@accessindia.org.in] On Behalf Of Priyesh.C.U
Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2012 11:01 PM
To: accessindia@accessindia.org.in
Subject: [AI] a doubt on out look express

dear friends, how can we create a folder in outlook express  inorder to
receive mails from a particular sender?
for example i would like to receive access India mails in a specific folder,
how can i set this?
please guide me expecting your help.
  With best regards, Priyesh.C.U, Assistant Professor, Department of
Politics, Koyilandy Government College, Kozhikode District, Kerala
& PH.d Scholar, School of International Relations & Politics, M.G
University, Kottayam.
Mobile: 09846141225
Email I D:
 Skype I D: priyesh.cu Follow me on Twitter: priyeshcu
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And rise of unrighteousness,
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