From: "Tuvix" <>
To: "Mediareq" <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 3:33 AM
Subject: [MediaReq] A websight of DVS movies

got this from another list

Below is a link to a website hosted by Roger Behm, containing thousands of
free DVS movies for download. Unlike Blind Mice Mart it isn't necessary to go to SendSpace. Simply, enter on the movie you want, press save twice as
if you were downloading a book from BARD and the movie will download to
your computer.  Then you can either watch it on your computer or copy it to
your Stream.  No extracting or unzipping is necessary.

The link is below. When you get to the site, just press enter on enter ray's world and you will see links for DVD movies and old time radio.

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