hi, is there any similar way to do it in NVDA?

----- Original Message ----- From: "sunil sangtani." <sunilsangtan...@gmail.com>
To: <accessindia@accessindia.org.in>
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 10:07 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] how to make the application accessible?

though  best way is to contact the developer and ask them to built in
the accessibility,
but we do have a custom solution for that as wel, not sure how far
it'll work for you, but you can give it a try. put the cursor  on the
radio button that is unlabeled and jaws saying " radio button not
checked/or checked", and press  insert+ctrl+tab  there, a dialog box
will apere, give the custom lable text for the button and hit enter on
ok button. se if it works for you, if you want to reverse this,
simpply delete the lable and hit ok again.

On 9/24/12, gufran <gufran.ahmed1...@gmail.com> wrote:
dear friends, i am working for state bank of india at kolkata cercle.
i am under training in CMS (complaint management system.) i found some
area in-accessible, although the screen reader supports very well, but
at some point it is in-accessible. for e.g if i call some one and i have
to lodge or dispose any complaint, there are two radio buttons are
there. iif a number is given and after that the options like dispose or
lodge a complaint. here jaws speak out dispose off at the blank area
which is located below the mobile number of the complainnent. and the
radio button which is assign for dispose off, jaws announce lodge a
complaint. where as the lodging of complaint remains blank. which means
the other radio button which is assign for lodging the complaint here
jaws says "radio button not check".
and also there ar certain areas which does not announce by jaws.
my manager ask me to note down all the problems so that we can give the
suggestion as this portel is still under construction.
so i would like to request all the expert members to kindly throw some
light how to make the portel more screen reader friendly.
also kindly send some tutorial regarding accessibility of applications.
with thanks and regards gufran ahmed

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A champion is someone who gets up,  when he can't...
--- ~Jack Dempsey. regards, sunil sangtani, india.

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