This is now becoming off-topic. You may continue the debate off the list please.
May we close this thread
Harish Kotian

----- Original Message ----- From: "akhilesh" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, December 09, 2012 12:25 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] Listen guys: DU announces foreign trip for studentswithdisabilities

Dear Vikas Ji,

Thanks for replying. It was a slightly softer than what I expected
from you. Anyway, on a serious note, My comments were never ever
intended to offend any organization or person. These are my personal
views based on feedback of several years provided by beneficiaries of
your and some other NGOs. and should be taken in a positive spirit

Every section of disability has its own needs and demands. When I say
conflicting interests and rights, it refers to a condition where you
have to deal with a situation, when2 sections of PWDs come
face-to-face. This type of situation arises, or may arise, when one
complaints about the infringement of their rights due to the similar
benefits provided or accrued to another section of PWDs!!!
For an instance, After recent development in Delhi University EOC,
Visually-impaired friends are complaining of rude behavior, biased
attitude of authorities, and they’re feeling ignored!!! Can an NGO
working across disabilities, fight against it with same strength and
conviction like an NGO specially dedicated for visually-impaired? For
me, it can not. When I say single person it meant nothing except NGO
working across disabilities.

When post reserved for visually-impaired  for assistant professor of
Sanskrit in venketeshwara college was converted for orthopedically
challenged, and Sambhavana could not do anything, this is the best
example I can give of representation of conflicting interests by a
single person at the same timeand the same person. To your surprise,
the visually-impaired candidate was available at that time. I wish I
could have been an advocate and could have done something at that

Full credit goes to your organization for benifiting many people.
However, it doesn’t mean that it has benifited all who approached it,
or nobody is upset and felt ignored due to carelessness of some office
holders of organization, (about which, detailed discussion would not
be appropriate here).

When I’m aware about the past developments, how can I admit that I’m
not? As far as my presence in Sambhavana programs, meetings, and
Agitations  is concerned, I’m aware that Mr. Sinha is closely working
with Sambhavana, so,I don’t feel the need of coming. Besides this,
above text says a lot of my absence.

Finally, thanks for your kind invitation for my services to disable
community. I would be more than happy to assist you and your
organization where ever, and whenever my services are required. In
fact I’m the member of the group of committed young lawyers which
strives to provide the quality legal aid to the needy, poor , and
marginalized sections of the society.

With thanks and regards,

On 12/8/12, Vikas Gupta <> wrote:
Dear Akhilesh,

Let me start in the reverse order. Yes, you are absolutely right about
the denial of proper opportunities for writing exams to some visually
challenged students by Delhi University. I am of the view that
responsible authorities should be booked for their failure to fulfill
the rules. We have been trying to even file a petition in the court on
this issue. It will be a matter of discussion in the meeting of
disabled students, teachers, non-teaching staff of Delhi University
and others rescheduled for Monday (10th December) at 10 a.m. We are
thankful to some students of Sevakutir for agreeing to hold this
meeting their when University has refused to provide venue for the
same. We are waiting for their written response if it ever comes to
know exact reasons of their refusal. However, since they never denied
and only refused when things are getting worse and anger is growing,
the real factor is apparent. I would request everyone to make it a
point to attend this meeting and circulate the message as widely as

About other things that you (Akhilesh) have written, I have a lot to
write, however, since I have to get back to my examination related
work and since there are others as well to respond, I will be very
brief (which is also true of your mail); and if required, will revert
back later. You are free to hold any opinion and to propagate it. We
are also free to buy your point or reject it. However, to the extent
possible, I would like to engage with what you have written. You have
written “I Strongly feel and believe that this is nothing but
representing many conflicting interests and demands by a single
person,at the same time, and on the same platform!! I'm not fully
aware about the recent developments,  but Sambhavana has been one of
such organizations.”
What are the conflicting interests you have not elaborated.

What do you mean by “single person”? Do you dare to deny large number
of people benefited by our efforts as well as those presently
associated with us? Or that it is a denial of entire organizational

You have written that when an NGO works across multypal disabilities,
Nothing concreet comes out” … “Sambhavana has been one of such
organizations”. I think you are confusing the ill with the pill. The
absence of cross disability solidarity is an ill rather than the
efforts that intend to overcome this lacuna. Your mail implies that
what has never happen will never happen ! In other words, if in the
past, supposing disability specific organizations have delivered more
than the cross disability organizations, (though it is not a universal
pattern) then it will remain a pattern for ever. We do not know about
future. However, two points can be made here.

First, it is perhaps owing to this divided nature of our struggle that
we have not emerged as a political group in India: a vote-bank as well
as a pressure group of 15 to 20 percent of Indian population that the
Government should be forced to take little more seriously.
Second, your belief that such organizations do not achieve concrete or
substantial results due to their contradictory pressures and that
Sambhavana is also one of them is highly objectionable. If this is not
a motivated, then surely an uninformed statement at least about
Sambhavana. Please visit our website, though it has not been updated:
my short answer.

You have only admitted that you are not aware of the recent
developments, however, it appears to me that you are not aware of even
the past developments, or you are deliberately turning a blanket over
them. (I do not want to list out those developments and some
achievements otherwise it may tent amount to some kind of boasting.)
Though you are a Delhi based advocate, (perhaps a budging one), I have
not seen you ever coming to Sambhavana programs, meetings or
agitations where at times 150 to 200 people have participated.
Therefore, I can well understand the reasons responsible for your

However, it is never too late. Disabled community really need your
services and contribution. Do come forward.
In solidarity


On 12/8/12, akhilesh <> wrote:
Hi to all,

When an NGO works across multypal disabilities, Nothing concreet comes

I Strongly feel and believe that this is nothing but  representing
many conflicting interests and demands by a single person,at the same
time, and on the same platform!!

I'm not fully aware about the recent developments,  but Sambhavana has
been one of such organizations.

As far as these gooddy goody and nicy nicy Delhi University
anouncements are concerned, these are just projects and profits!!! the
more the projects the more the profits, and the huge the project the
huge the profits to the organizers.

If Delhi university and VC is serious about the future of disabled
students, The Re-exams should be held for those who could not appear
for their exams due to carelessness and misthesence commited by Delhi
University officials, and responsible persons should be suspended with
an immediate effect. To my surprise, even The enquiry committee has
not been formed so far to look into the matter.

On 12/6/12, avinash shahi <> wrote:
Thank you Vikas sir for enlightening responses.

Struggle waged by DU Disabled students and teachers has compeled
Administration to facilitate conducive atmosphere for studying to some
And undoubtedly, DU disabled community deserves kudos.
Further, I just wish to share, My initial giggling was not an
affirmation of VC's announcement.
But thought to post this interesting news with added sensation....
Afterall, we all should know what the almighty VC says on issues
regarding our needs and aspirations.
These press archives can be very instrumental for further reminder to
VC for his paid earned accolades.
And via this mail-threads,  we also got to know, what student and
teacher fraternity is doing to get our deserved due.
On 12/5/12, Ganesh <> wrote:
That's very good thing for getting exposure for the students with

----- Original Message -----
From: "avinash shahi" <>
To: "jnuvision" <>; "accessindia"
<>; "worldopinion"
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2012 2:51 PM
Subject: [AI] Listen guys: DU announces foreign trip for students

Go guys go... Exams over!
I'm thinking to shift from JNU to DU....
No way!
further all the best to all would be selected next year.
And do give your heart and soul to academics...
Now,lets see what suprimo say?
Around 100 Delhi University (DU) students with disabilities of will go
abroad next year, Vice-Chancellor Dinesh Singh said at the closing
ceremony of Badhte Kadam — a nationwide campaign to raise awareness
regarding disability — on the university campus on Tuesday.

“It is a historic decision. For the first time, a university will take
students with disabilities on such a trip,” Officer on Special Duty of
DU Equal Opportunity Cell Bipin Kumar Tiwary said.

Elaborating on the nature of the trip, he said, “It will be an
educational trip, through which students will be able to experience
the facilities available in foreign universities and make projects on
what they observe. They will return to Delhi University and see how
similar facilities can be provided here.”

Singh said: “Such a campaign will awaken the nation. I can see some
school children here. In the future, I hope they join Delhi
University. We will provide them with all facilities possible.”

In the past six months, DU has taken many steps with regard to
students with disabilities, such as exemption of tuition and hostel
fees and a reduction in mess charges.

“Apart from the 3 per cent reservation in university hostels, we have
increased the number of seats for students with disabilities. They do
not have to pay tuition fees. Despite many attempts, some colleges are
not following the rules. However, we will ensure that these rules are
strictly adhered to,” Singh said.

DU had earlier asked the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation to provide these
students free Metro cards with centralised recharging and blocking

DU also plans to provide free netbooks with screen-reading software to
these students.

“The netbooks have been bought and will be given to students in a few
days,” Singh said.

DU students with disabilities had also visited the Wagah border and
stayed at Army camps as part of Gyananodyaya, an educational train
journey, in October.

A first-year Political Science (Honours) student at Gargi College,
Gunjan Agarwal, said, “The best part of the trip was the manner in
which we were welcomed everywhere. I hope I get to be a part of the
foreign trip,” she said.

The event included a silent rendering of the national anthem by school
students, a dance performance by children from NGO Muskaan, which
works for the differently abled, and a musical by DU students.

Avinash Shahi
MPhil Research Scholar
Centre for the Study of Law and Governance
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi India

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Avinash Shahi
MPhil Research Scholar
Centre for the Study of Law and Governance
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi India

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Vikas Gupta
Assistant Professor–University of Delhi;
Joint Secretary–Sambhavana Organization;
National Executive Member–All-India Forum for Right to Education (AIF-RTE);
Associate Editor–'Reconstructing Education';

Permanent Office: Department of History,
Faculty of Social Sciences,
University of Delhi ,
Delhi 110007, India.

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