3 Idiots, a smart boy, & hope for disabled
Published: Monday, Dec 17, 2012, 2:52 IST 
By Santosh Andhale | Place: Mumbai | Agency: DNA  
While Aamir Khan bowled over the audience with his performance in 3 Idiots, a 
teenager from Nasik drew inspiration from the actor's character, scientist 
Fungsuk Wangdu, in the movie. Rishab Mishra, 16, has developed the Wangdu chair 
which helps senior citizens, the physically challenged and those with paralysis 
with mobility.

The most salient feature of Rishab's innovation is that a patient with 
paralysis can move the chair with the help of his/her tongue. For this, a 
force-resistive sensor - a small chip - is installed in the pallet. The chip is 
adjustable and can be removed while eating. "Another feature is that whenever 
there is a power cut, the chair's lights get switched on automatically. The 
reverse happens when power returns," said Rishab, a standard X student of 
Fravashi Academy in Nasik.

The Wangdu chair was among 31 projects displayed at the 25th Western India 
Science Fair at the Nehru Science Centre which saw the participation of people 
from Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Goa, Madhya Pradesh, 
Gujarat and Rajasthan. "The chair was very popular among students who came to 
the fair," said Ashok Jethe, co-ordinator of the fair which ended on Sunday.

Rishab told DNA that the chair works on the principle of electromagnetics and 
infrared (IR) sensors. "I was working on the project for a year. This chair 
works with the help of IR and sound sensors. Whenever sound pressure falls on 
the sensors, it detects the sound and converts it into electrical energy. The 
message then goes to the 'brain' of the chair," the budding scientist said. 
"Wangdu chair works with the help of DC motors which work on the principle of 
Lorentz force (electromagnetics). It is a fully programmed chair."

The teenager is already in demand because of his innovation. "We received an 
email from the NCERT informing that Rishabh has qualified for the Indian 
National Congress exhibition to be held in Kolkata from January4-6, 2013," said 
Mamta Mishra, Rishab's mother.

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