manifesto for minority voices: Enable the disabled, tap a
130-million-plus vote bank
A conservative, back-of-the-envelope calculation shows it could be as
large as one out of every six voters. Here's how the math works out.
Rema Nagarajan, TNN March 26 2014
The 2011 Census found there were 27 million persons with disability
(PWDs), or 2.3% of India's 1.2 billion population. About 19 million
can vote, being above 18 years.

Now assume there are three voters on average, including two parents,
in the disabled person's family. So, the number of those influenced by
pro-PWD policies is 27 million multiplied by three, or 81 million.
Assume again there are at least two persons in each family's circle of
influence -- an additional 162 million. That means a whopping 260
million voters (19+81+162) would be kindly disposed towards parties
addressing the needs of PWDs.

Of course, there may be more than one disabled person in the same
family and their spheres of influence need not be mutually exclusive.
But even if we were to discount half this number, that still adds up
to 130 million, about a sixth of the 2014 electorate of 815 million.

Does this still seem too high a number? It could actually be higher,
because most unofficial estimates peg the disabled population much
higher. The census admits significant undercounting of the disabled.
Neighbouring China, Pakistan and Nepal peg their PWD numbers at 5%,
according to a UN report. In India, that would amount to well over 60
million people -- way above the census count, and hence an even bigger
vote bank.

The disability sector has a wish list for parties that are willing to
address them as a serious constituency. To start with they want the
certification system streamlined. Just 10% of the disabled have a
disability certificate, a crucial document for getting concessions in
jobs, education, etc. "A disability certificate issued by one
department is not recognized by another. And a certificate issued in
Delhi is not valid for another state. This harassment has to stop,"
says Muralidharan, secretary of National Platform for the Rights of
the Disabled.

Accessibility of all citizen-centric services and public places is a
key demand. "Building bylaws should ensure at least the new ones
coming up are made accessible for people with different disabilities,"
says Arman Ali of Shishu Sarothi, a Guwahati NGO working among
children with cerebral palsy. Ketan Kothari of Sightsavers in Mumbai
wants all public places and transport, irrespective of ownership, to
be made accessible. "Job opportunities, reservation etc make no sense
without accessibility," he says.

The private sector should also be made accountable to rule out
discrimination. George Abraham of Score Foundation, a non-profit for
the visually impaired, seeks greater emphasis on quality education and
skill development. "We're tired of being seen as bechaare lule,
langde, andhe etc. There's sufficient ability in persons with
disability to see them as active contributors in the economy. It's
time to seriously start investing in them than merely providing for
them," he says.

Fresh legislation would be required to address these demands. Even
with a new law, the real test would be its implementation, a
commitment difficult to expect of political parties that cannot think
beyond distributing wheelchairs or feeding people on leaders' birth
anniversaries. In their eyes, says Javed Abidi of the Disability
Rights Group, PWDs are not a vote bank; hence they don't matter. "The
politician is ignorant that disabled people constitute 70 million (UN
estimate) of our country's population. And that's not just 70 million
people, but 70 million households. If any party were to take up
disability, not as a 'cause' or 'charity', but as a rightsbased
development issue, they would certainly earn the goodwill of a lot of
people," he adds.

Avinash Shahi
M.Phil Research Scholar
Centre for The Study of Law and Governance
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi India

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