
I am retrieving more information from the various services that interest me
but I'll start with a few questions.

What will happen on 3 September as it says the FAQ document expires? I
managed to get the documents at work and most at home except
http://www.expita.com/howto1.html which I hope grabpage wil still send. The
note on the document expiring is on the [EMAIL PROTECTED]

1. Regarding the King James Bible search, is there also a similar way to
search the holy books of other religions? This could work by E-mail if, say,
you also want to look up, say, something about a religion that is not
necessarily Biblical say something under "Jewish" because if you can be
directed to an engine dealing specifically with this religion, you may get
better results.

2. Is t-mail also able to translate web pages. Say, if I get a page with
grabpage.org, can I send the text to t-mail to translate into English as
opposed to a message to somebody? Can it do Hebrew to English and English to
Hebrew? Is there a system that can both track pages when they change and
translate the tracked pages into English and then send the English?

3. Can one search the Britannica or any other encyclopedia for information
on events or people's names or famous people in a way similar to the
dictionary described in the FAQ? What about sites like babynames.com?
Grabpage told me how to do behindthename but I am not sure how to do

4. How do you do what I call third party conversion with the PDF convertion
service? It says if the document is on the hard drive it should be sent as a
mime attachment but if it is an E-mail, how do I sent it? Should I just
forward it as is or save it to the C-drive and then re-attach it? How do I
know whether it should be done to html or text or doesn't it matter? Is it
possible to make a message rule to automatically forward PDF from the sender
to these services each time they arrive in my inbox?

5. I understand there is a text to html convertion service but what about
the reverse as I often find html a problem?

6. Where can I find out about the E-mail to snail mail services in different
countries? I found one for Armenia and Iran but the one for the U.K.
mentioned in the FAQ document seems to be no longer in existence.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ACCMAIL Info (automatically generated) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
To get the ACCMAIL FAQ: Send e-mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
and enter only this line in the BODY of the note:
send usenet/news.answers/internet-services/access-via-email

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