Hello Accmailers ...

You can find Pegasus Mail at these locations ...

Pegasus Mail v4.41 for Windows, 32-bit for Win95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP
ftp://ftp.usm.maine.edu/pegasus/winpmail/w32-441.exe (7.1 Mb)

Pegasus Mail v3.12b for Windows, 16-bit for all Windows versions
ftp://ftp.usm.maine.edu/pegasus/winpmail/w16-312b.exe (3.2 Mb)

Pegasus Mail for MS-DOS v3.5 for DOS and Windows
ftp://ftp.usm.maine.edu/pegasus/dos/pmail350.zip (1.2 Mb)

That is to help subscribers who are interested in using newsmail
and newspost.

::: SZS :::

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