Hello accmailers ...
The new www4mail server is just about ready to go public. We invite you
to use it.

Our www4mail server is very similar to others. However, we have added a
preliminary filter system which operates on incoming requests. Here are
some of our new szs.net-specific features:
* Use of www4mail at szs.net is restricted to members of the ACCMAIL
  mailing list -- which anyone may join. We update the access control
  list every Saturday, so members never have to wait more than one week
  before they can use the server. Access control is handled by the pre-
  filter, not by www4mail itself.
* The pre-filter examines the headers of incoming requests, especially
  'To', 'Cc' and 'Subject', and applies some simple anti-spam rules.
* Requests which fail the pre-filter are discarded silently, which means
  that the server will reject your failed request without notifying you.

* Email your request to www4mail`AT`szs.net
* There must be no other email address in the 'To' header.
* Do not use the 'Cc' header.
* Put 'accmail' as the last word of the subject header -- this is
  essential, and must be applied to *all* requests.
* Put www4mail commands in the body of the email.

Example 1
This example returns a modified version of the requested web page as an
email attachment:
To:        www4mail`AT`szs.net
Subject:   dmoz home page : accmail

Example 2
This example will FAIL!
The following 3 headers will all result in silent discard of the
request if sent to www4mail at szs.net:
To:        www4mail`AT`szs.net, www4mail`AT`wm.ictp.trieste.it
Cc:        myself`AT`mydomain.com
Subject:   dmoz home page

* The 'To' header has more than one address.
* The 'Cc' header has been used.
* The subject does not end with the word 'accmail'.

Example 3
This example returns the main help text file and 3 subsidiary help
files, edited for the new www4mail server:
To:        www4mail`AT`szs.net
Subject:   help, accmail
help access
help disclaimer
help faq

This www4mail server is experimental, but we see no reason why it should
not remain in place -- provided we do not experience the problems which
have caused previous gateways to disappear. For a reminder, please fetch

Unlike other www4mail servers, this one has been installed on a Virtual
Private Server. It's a relatively low-budget operation. Our tests so far
lead us to believe that it will scale up to the level implied by the
number of subscribers to the ACCMAIL list (assuming also that www4mail
might attract more subscribers). The operating system is the latest
stable release of Debian.

I haven't had time to find out *exactly* how www4mail works (the code is
not documented), but I have found out enough to think I can maintain it
as a public service, rather than the private service which it has been
for the last two months.

The english language help files have been substantially re-written, but
the other language files are the original files from www4mail.org. Some
are misleading. For more information about that, send command
  help translations

The forum for discussion and questions about www4mail at szs.net is this
mailing list.

::: SZS :::

To contribute to the discussion, email to accmail@listserv.aol.com
To unsubscribe, email to the *admin* address [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with UNSUBSCRIBE ACCMAIL as the message body.
WWW: http://emailonly.szs.net/

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