On 29 Apr 2007 at 0:36, Ricky Lomey wrote:
> What format does [EMAIL PROTECTED] retrieve PDF in?

If the PDF document is smaller than the www4mail maximum file size,
the attachment will be an unmodified PDF.

If it is larger than the maximum size, www4mail splits the PDF file into
two or more numbered parts. Those parts must be joined again to make the
original PDF document.

To obtain http://www.iab.org.il/PNLV3.pdf via www4mail, just submit
the URL http://www.iab.org.il/PNLV3.pdf to the www4mail server in
the body of your request email.

The www4mail server will return the document in 4 parts:
PNLV3.pdf.001, PNLV3.pdf.002, PNLV3.pdf.003 and PNLV3.pdf.004.

Save those parts to a folder where you can easily find them again.

Now copy the following 6 lines to a text file named 'join.bat' ...
copy /b ^
PNLV3.pdf.001 + ^
PNLV3.pdf.002 + ^
PNLV3.pdf.003 + ^
PNLV3.pdf.004 ^

Now run join.bat. It will reconstruct PNLV3.pdf from the 4 parts.

I don't know how easy it is for somebody with your visual impairment to
carry out those steps. Perhaps other subscribers with a visual
impairment could help out here, if needed.

::: SZS :::

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