Hello accmailers ...

On 6 May 2008 at 23:26, Ricky Lomey wrote:
> The one newspaper I am referring to that can
> be downloaded in PDF format which I wanted to get with accmail is
> http://www.sajewishreport.co.za/

But that newspaper is *already* in PDF format!
In fact, PDF is the only format it uses.

The site is *very* badly designed -- almost deliberately

However, the home page has a link to the current issue, and
there is a list of links to previous issues at
http://www.sajewishreport.co.za/prevedition.html (that link is
hidden in a Flash object).

So all you have to do is request the PDF file you want, in the
normal way.

The PDF files are large, so www4mail will split them before
sending them to you. Then you must join them yourself.

To get the 2 May 2008 issue, request

www4mail will send you 11 attachments.
Save the attachments, then (assuming your operating system is
Windows) use the following commmand to join the parts into one
final file named 2-may-2008.pdf ...

copy /b 2-may-2008.pdf.001 ^
+ 2-may-2008.pdf.002 ^
+ 2-may-2008.pdf.003 ^
+ 2-may-2008.pdf.004 ^
+ 2-may-2008.pdf.005 ^
+ 2-may-2008.pdf.006 ^
+ 2-may-2008.pdf.007 ^
+ 2-may-2008.pdf.008 ^
+ 2-may-2008.pdf.009 ^
+ 2-may-2008.pdf.010 ^
+ 2-may-2008.pdf.011 ^

Nothing else to do!

::: SZS :::

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