>  I have need of posting Usenet news by email and I can add custom headers
>  in my email client (Pegasus Mail) easily.  I wrote a small Tcl script to
>  let me do this trivial task, which you can get here:
>  http://sabahattin-gucukoglu.com/newspost
>  I have set up newspost<at>accmaild.org as an open access service for the
>  benefit of those who need or want to post to Usenet without the web.


>  See also http://www.bananasplit.info/ , which has another gateway like
>  this, using the perl mail2news script.
>  Sabahattin Gucukoglu <mail<at>sabahattin<dash>gucukoglu<dot>com>

Comparing your script to the bananasplit.info method, I do not see a
way to include a newsgroups header if the email client doesn't support
custom headers or return address munging (to avoid spambots). Have I
missed something? If not, do you intend to add such features in the

For example, in the good ole BBS days (I had an Internet-by-Email
access via a Fidonet BBS), I could put an extra header line (such as
the To: address) at the top of the email body, leave a couple of line
spaces after the header line, and the Internet Gateway software would
pick up the header lines from the message body and include them in the
headers. In this case, perhaps a couple of lines would do the job,
such as;

Newsgroups: alt.kids.who.eat.Oscar-Meyer.hotdogs
x-real-address: weeble7591-at-gmail-dot-com

The presence of an "x-real-address" (or whatever you wanted to call
it) line could instruct the software to use a phony email address such

Just a suggestion. In the meantime, I'm sure that those who DO have
the ability to add custom headers will appreciate having the
capabilities you've made available.


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