Hello ACE,

we held an interop on the implementations of
draft-ietf-ace-oauth-authz and draft-ietf-ace-dtls-authorize on May 30th.

We had 3 participants and some attendees that just listened in.

The implementations we tested were:

* ACE-Java by Ludwig Seitz (me), RISE SICS

* A client by SEI lab of CMU based on some of the ACE-Java code

* Jim Schaad's C# implementation
https://github.com/jimsch/Oauth-Authz (Jim is that correct?)

The tests we planned to execute can be found here:


The results can be found here:


Note that I have heard of several more implementations, which couldn't make it for that first interop, namely:

- A constrained RS implementation by SEI lab of CMU

- A constrained (client/RS?) implementation by TZI, University of Bremen

- A commercial implementation by ARM

I think it would be nice for the group if the authors of the libraries above could say a quick word about the status of their respective implementations.

Kind regards,

Ludwig Seitz

Ludwig Seitz, PhD
Security Lab, RISE SICS
Phone +46(0)70-349 92 51

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