Dear ACE WG & authors,

My main comment on this draft is based on recent experience with an embedded 
implementation. In the draft, the content format 
"application/pkcs7-mime;smime-type=certs-only" is used to transport a single 
certificate back to the client. However, in the embedded implementation crypto 
library there is no support for parsing this format, but there is support for 
parsing X.509v3 (application/pkix-cert). See e.g. for an embedded API that can 
parse CSR and certs, but not PKCS#7.

Therefore the X.509 format seems better to use; also given that 
1) the signing of data that the PKCS#7 S/MIME envelope provides is useless 
because the DTLS session is already end-to-end protected and the certificate is 
already signed; and 
2) RFC 7030 requires that only one certificate, the  generated one, is carried 
in the /simple(re)enroll response so that a container format for multiple 
certificates is not really needed here.

So to reduce code size for embedded implementations it would be very beneficial 
if the EST Server would support an additional content format:
application/pkix-cert  (see RFC 5280)

The client can request this format using the CoAP Accept Option; by default if 
no Accept Option given the EST server would return 
What do you think about this addition? I believe that adding this would make 
the EST-over-Coaps protocol an ideal fit to common embedded SW stacks.

Furthmore I found these two issues that need to be addressed:

Section 5.4: "The equivalent CoAP error code to use in an EST-coaps responses 
are 2.04 ..." -> 2.04 is a success code, not an error.

Section 5.6: "According to section 5.2.2 of [RFC7252], a slow server can 
acknowledge the request with a 2.31 code" -> 2.31 is not specified in RFC 7252.

Best regards
Esko Dijk

-----Original Message-----
From: Ace <> On Behalf Of Jim Schaad
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2019 05:03
Subject: [Ace] WGLC for draft-ietf-ace-coap-est

The chairs believe that the EST over CoAP draft is nearing the point it should 
be sent to the IESG for publication.  We are therefore going to have a Working 
Group Last Call on this document.  WGLC will until 29th of this month.  Please 
review the document and send comments both positive and negative to the list 
about its state.

Jim & Roman

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