On 15/11/2019 13:14, Benjamin Kaduk wrote:
Hi all,

I'm mostly just nitpicking in the following comments; the actual content
here is in good shape.  (But some of these are popular things that
directorate reviewers like to complain about, so fixing them preemptively
seems wise.)

Section 1

    access tokens.  These parameters and claims can also be used in other
    contexts, and may need to be updated to align them with ongoing OAuth
    work.  Therefore they have been split out into this document, which
    can be used and updated independently of [I-D.ietf-ace-oauth-authz].

I expect that we'll get some reviewers who want to wordsmith this last
sentence.  It's fine to wait and see what suggestions come in (if any),
but if you want to try to forestall those, my suggestion would be:

% Therefore, these parameters and claims have been put into a dedicated
% document, to facilitate their use and any potential updates in a manner
% independent of [I-D.ace-oauth-authz].


Section 3.1

       OPTIONAL.  This field contains information about the key the
       client would like to bind to the access token for proof-of-
       possession.  It is RECOMMENDED that an AS reject a request
       containing a symmetric key value in the 'req_cnf' field, since the
       AS is expected to be able to generate better symmetric keys than a
       potentially constrained client.  The AS MUST verify that the

nit: I'd wordsmith this a bit, since the idea is that the AS-generated
key will be better than one generated by a constrained client, but a
non-constrained client can probably do just fine at keygen.  So,
I'd consider dropping "potentially", as the rest of the sentence does
not have anything to imply that all clients using this claim are


       "req_cnf" : {
          "COSE_Key" : {
             "kty" : "EC",
             "kid" : h'11',
             "crv" : "P-256",
             "x" : b64'usWxHK2PmfnHKwXPS54m0kTcGJ90UiglWiGahtagnv8',
             "y" : b64'IBOL+C3BttVivg+lSreASjpkttcsz+1rb7btKLv8EX4'

    Figure 1: Example request for an access token bound to an asymmetric

Shouldn't an access token request have an authorization code?
The other parameters from Section 4.1.3 of RFC 6749 have conditions
attached to their REQUIRED status, but not "code".

In draft-ietf-ace-oauth-authz section 5.6.1. (Client-to-AS Request) we specify that when the "grant_type" parameter is missing, then "client_credentials" is implied, which in turn means that the client does not need an authorization code. Section 4.1.3 of RFC 6749 is about the authorization code grant, you are looking at the ACE-ified version of Section 4.4

Section 3.2

       REQUIRED if the token type is "pop" and a symmetric key is used.

Just to check, this means that if the client includes a symmetric 'cnf'
key and the AS ignores the prior recommendation to ignore such a
symmetric confirmation key in the request, the AS still has to echo
back the symmetric key that is in use?  (There's also potentially some
interesting interactions if we use a 'kid'.)

Indeed as the drafts are written right now, that would be the expected
AS behaviour. This is not entirely intentional, and my only objection to changing it at this time is that writing specification text handling interactions we are recommending against (i.e. accepting client-suggested symmetric keys) seems icky. As for 'kid' I'd just expect the AS to echo back the kid, not the actual key.

       MAY be present for asymmetric proof-of-possession keys.  This
       field contains the proof-of-possession key that the AS selected
       for the token.  Values of this parameter follow the syntax of the

And to check here again, the omitted 'cnf' in the response means that he
AS accepted the client's requested asymmetric key?  (There wouldn't be a
case where the AS rejects an offered asymmetric key and replaces it with
a new one, right?)
Indeed that is correct. Note that there could be cases where an AS rejects an offered asymmetric key and replaces it by another one. This would be if the AS knows that the RS doesn't support this key format, and also knows that the client holds another public key which is actually supported by the RS.

       OPTIONAL if the token type is "pop" and asymmetric keys are used.
       MUST NOT be present otherwise.  This field contains information
       about the public key used by the RS to authenticate.  If this
       parameter is absent, either the RS does not use a public key or
       the AS assumes that the client already knows the public key of the
       RS.  Values of this parameter follow the syntax of the "cnf" claim

I'd prefer to not word this as "the AS assumes", as that implies that we
will end up with a fragile overall system.  Can we say something more
along the lines of "when the AS knows that the RS can authenticate
itself to the client without additional information"?  (I expect that
less awkward wordings than the above are possible...)


       from section 3.1 of [I-D.ietf-ace-cwt-proof-of-possession].  See
       Section 5 for details on the use of this parameter.

Also (both here and above), I'd suggest s/details on the use of this
parameter/additional discussion of the usage of this parameter/; we do not
go into a huge amount of detail in Section 5.

I don't think the caption for Figure 3 is quite right...

Also, Figures 2 and 3 are using the same "SlAV32hkKG ..." access token
snippet that we changed in the core spec, so we should probably change
it here as well.
I changed the one in figure 3 to the same snippet I used which an asymmetric pop key in the core spec. The snippet in figure 2 is still in the core spec, so I left it here as well.

Section 3.3

In the symmetric-key case this basically degenerates to
Needham-Schroeder (but I also don't expect anyone to use this with
symmetric keys).
However, for asymmetric keys, we might assume that the AS is not
creating a new asymmetric keypair for the RS to use, and instead
referring to one already known to the RS, e.g., just via the public
part.  I can't quite decide whether the RS should always blindly trust
the AS in this regard, or might want to have an additional policy layer
that would allow for "I do not want to use this public key with this
specific client".  Any such benefit from that would be subtle, as
presumably the AS has already told the client the same key, and so the
RS is limited to merely not presenting cryptographic evidence to the
client that it holds the private key (as opposed to the client trusting
the AS as trusted-third-party that the RS has that key).
I guess that suggests that there's no need for additional policy on the
RS, and we don't need any more text here.

Actually I had asymmetric keys in mind when I created this claim.
Since one could imagine protocols using different symmetric keys for client and RS though, so I wouldn't want to restrict this to
Also: yes, the idea was that the AS just uses the public part of an asymmetric key, of which it knows that the RS has the corresponding private part.
Do you want me to make this more explicit?

Section 5

    o  "req_cnf" in the access token request C -> AS, OPTIONAL to
       indicate the client's raw public key, or the key-identifier of a
       previously established key between C and RS that the client wishes
       to use for proof-of-possession of the access token.

There's potentially an interesting question here about whether the AS
has to, can, or shouldn't assign semantics to key identifiers.  The part
most needed for interoperability is, of course, that the RS knows to map
an incoming kid to an actual key, and the parallel that the client knows
that the (kid, key, RS) tuple is usable.  I don't see a reason why the
AS needs to have semantics to a given kid for interoperability, though
perhaps there will be some scenarios where the AS manages the kid
namespace at a given RS as opposed to the RS doing so.  But, on the
other hand, having the AS not give semantics to 'kid' turns the AS into
a dumb transport, which tends to be the sort of thing that merits
additional analysis.

Basically the current expectation is that when the client requests a kid to be bound to an access token, it "knows what it is doing" i.e. either it has already sent a token using this pop key to the RS previously; or the client and the RS have been commissioned to have this shared key bound to the kid.
Do you want me to make this more explicit?

    o  "cnf" in the token response AS -> C, OPTIONAL if using an
       asymmetric key or a key that the client requested via a key
       identifier in the request.  REQUIRED if the client didn't specify
       a "req_cnf" and symmetric keys are used.  Used to indicate the

This seems to make no statement (REQUIRED/OPTIONAL) about this claim for
the case where the client didn't specify a "req_cnf" and asymmetric keys
are used.  This situation, of course, can't happen (at least not
currently), as the absence of "req_cnf" is used as a signal for server
(symmetric) keygen, but I suggest that we only mention "client didn't
specify a 'req_cnf'" so we don't have to keep explaining this to

So should I remove the "and symmetric keys are used." part?

    o  "rs_cnf" in the token response AS -> C, OPTIONAL to indicate the
       public key of the RS, if it uses one to authenticate to the

nit(?): I'd consider adding a phrase about "and the binding between key
and RS identiyt is not established through other means".

    o  "rs_cnf" in the introspection response AS -> RS, OPTIONAL,
       contains the public key that the RS should use for authenticating
       to the client (e.g. if the RS has several different public keys).

nit(?): I'd consider adding a phrase about "and there may be ambiguity
as to which key to use" or similar, though I'm failing to come up with a
non-awkward phrasing.

Done. I'll go with slightly awkward, but more correct.

    Note that the COSE_Key structure in a confirmation claim or parameter
    may contain an "alg" or "key_ops" parameter.  If such parameters are
    present, a client MUST NOT use a key that is not compatible with the
    profile or proof-of-possession algorithm according to those

nit(?): s/not compatible/incompatible/ would avoid a "double 'not'", if
that's seen as desirable.

Section 6

I thought we had set up separate map key namespaces for (e.g.) token
requests, token responses, and introspection responses, so that
attempting to use the same key value for all the uses of these
parameters defined by this document is something of a type error.
E.g., they end up in different registries, as we do in Section 9.2, 9.5,
and 9.6.

That is correct. I have added separate entries and a column
specifying the different uses. I will leave the values to be the same though.

Section 9.1, 9.2, 9.4

I note that the distance between "authenticate to the client" and
"authenticate the client" is small enough that I expect it to be a
common misreading, and also that the other descriptions at
https://www.iana.org/assignments/jwt/jwt.xhtml#claims are a bit more
pithy than what we use here.  Perhaps, "public key used by RS to
authenticate itself to client"?


Section 9.5

    This section registers the following parameter mappings in the "Token
    Endpoint CBOR Mappings" registry established in section 8.9. of

It looks like this has been renamed to the "OAuth Parameters CBOR
Mappings" registry?
Correct. Fixed.

Section 9.6

    This section registers the following parameter mappings in the
    "Introspection Endpoint CBOR Mappings" registry established in
    section 8.11. of [I-D.ietf-ace-oauth-authz].

Similarly, this has been renamed to "OAuth Token Introspection Response
CBOR Mappings".


Section 11.1

It's not entirely clear that RFC 7252 needs to be a normative reference;
we don't do much with CoAP directly in this document.

Agree. I moved it.

Appendix A

We might want to wordsmith this some if it's to be kept for the final
RFC (depending on what the OAuth work looks like at that point).  I'm
not sure that there are any useful changes to make to it right now,

It seems the OAuth draft I'm talking about here is not going anywhere fast. We might consider removing this in the final edition.


Ludwig Seitz, PhD
Security Lab, RISE
Phone +46(0)70-349 92 51

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