
This is going to be a long email and I hope that I do not get too many
things wrong in the process of getting it written up.

So the question that you raised is can the current MQTT profile use the
existing OAuth and ACE-OAuth protocols.  My assertion is that the answer is
yes and I will walk through the two different protocols in order to
demonstrate this.  For simplicilty I am only going to deal with one of the
TLS configurations that the MQTT profile envisions.

For TLS authentication, the server is to be validated by using an X.509
certificate and there is to be a method for the client to be able to
associate the identifier in the certificate with the OAuth token request.
This I assume is a well understood problem in the OAuth WG.  The client is
not authenticated to the server by TLS, this is deferred to MQTT protocol.
When using ACE-OAuth, this is generally going to be tied through the
audience field in some method.

The format of the scope field is defined in the MQTT document and the AS
will need to be able to parse that field and do the proper enforcement.  I
think this different than what a normal OAuth AS does where the scope is a
single value rather than a composite value.

The key which is placed in the token is going to be an asymmetric signing
key.  This is the standard thing for OAuth.  At some point in the future it
might be nice to allow for symmetric keys to be sent out, but for now the
ACE-OAuth is sufficient for dealing with that case.

Using OAuth

The client makes a request to an OAuth authorization server for a token.
The grant_type for the token is going to be "client_credentials", the scope
is a text string defined by the MQTT profile document.  Authorization is
needed for the connection.  My assumption is that this is now normally done
by the use of HTTPS rather than something like basic authentication.


POST /token HTTP/1.1
Host: server.example.com
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded



The AS response with a standard message


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

 "access_token":"..... JWT token ......",
 "expires_in": 3600,


The client now connects to the MQTT server using TLS, validating the
certificate of the server against it's trust anchors and the "known" name of
the MQTT server.

The client now sends an MQTT CONNECT message to the server passing the JWT
token in as part of the Authentication Data (section 2.2.4 of the MQTT


Using ACE-OAuth


POST /token HTTP/1.1
Host: server.example.com
Content-Type: application/ace+json

  "scope": "publish_topic1/topic2 publish_topic3/+/stats
  "audience": "mqtts://mqtt.example.com"


For ACE-OAuth, the default value of grant_type is client_credentials so that
parameter is omitted.


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/ace+json

 "access_token":"..... JWT token ......",
 "expires_in": 3600,
 "ace_profile" : "mqtt_tls"

As can be seen, there are only minimal differences between what is sent out
between the Vanilla and the ACE version of OAuth.  In both cases it is
assumed that the client is going to know which asymmetric key is going to be
used.  There are a couple of differences however:

1.  I have used the value of "bearer" for "token_type" in OAuth because that
seemed to me to be the one which mapped to the usage in a better manner.
The OAuth-ACE framework however registers the value of "PoP" and specifies
it as the default value.  It may make more sense to use that value in the
OAuth case as well.

2.  In the ACE-OAuth case, we can return a key to the user and thus be able
to do symmetric keys as well.  If you are already doing TLS and validating
signatures that way I would expect that this is not going to be a common

3.  In the ACE-OAuth case, it is possible to return information about the
TLS key that the server would be using.  This would allow for situations
were the MQTT TLS connection is not doing certificate chain validation, but
instead using information passed in the rs_cnf field to validate either the
public key or the certificate directly.

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