
Summarizing my thoughts and opinion on this issue. Changing the title to 
highlight the issues better.

As currently specified in draft-ietf-ace-oauth-authz-35, the RS will happily 
send the AS address to any node that asks. This causes two problems.

- If C acts on the unauthorized information, this is an attack vector for DoS 
attacks as an attacker on the C-RS path can make C contact a chosen node on the 

- That RS shares the AS address with anybody that asks can be a severe privacy 
problem. If RS is a medical device, the AS address can reveal sensitive 
information. If RS is a blood pressure sensor it could e.g. be “AS address = 

The requirement "the client MUST be able to determine whether an AS has the 
authority to issue access tokens for a certain RS. This can for example be done 
through pre-configured lists, or through an online lookup mechanism that in 
turn also must be secured." indicates that C is required to have another 
mechanism to determine the AS for a specific RS and that the unauthorized AS 
address is completely redundant.

The draft does not discuss the privacy issues of unauthorized AS addresses at 
all and the draft is diminishing the DoS issues by only talking about 
compromised RS and attacking an AS. This indicates that none of these issues 
has been discussed enough. 

I currently have a strong opinion that Unauthorized AS address should be 
removed from the specification.


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