
Thank you for this work! Here is my review of the document.


  The response includes the
   parameters described in Section 5.6.2 of the ACE framework

The fact that the profile parameter with value "mqtt_tls" is included in this 
response must be specified here.


" The Client and the AS MUST
   perform mutual authentication."

I am not sure this is a testable statement. What about specifying that they 
MUST use a protocol that provides mutual authentication instead?


 The Client requests an access token
   from the AS as described in Section 5.6.1 of the ACE framework
   [I-D.ietf-ace-oauth-authz], however, it MUST set the profile
   parameter to 'mqtt_tls'. 

Why adding this here? This is in practice implementing a negotiation of 
profile. If this is necessary in this MQTT profile I am wondering why it is 
defined here and not in the framework. In general, I dislike the profile to 
contradict what defined in the framework.


 When CBOR is used, the
   interactions must implement Section 5.6.3 of the ACE framework

normative MUST?


The Client and the Broker MUST perform mutual authentication.

Same as before, is this a testable statement? Maybe this sentence does not need 
to use normative language, but rather descriptive. The details of what Client 
and Broker MUST do is in the following sentences.


"TLS:Known(RPK/PSK)-MQTT:ace": This option SHOULD NOT be chosen.

Any reason why this is a SHOULD NOT? Can we add motivation of when this would 
be allowed (although not recommended)


 It is RECOMMENDED that the Client follows TLS:Anon-MQTT:ace.

I think it would be helpful to say when this option is recommended vs the 
others. In the next section, it is described in more details that the 
communication with authz-info is done with "TLS:Anon-MQTT:None" and then after 
that TLS:Known(RPK/PSK)-MQTT:none. This seems to not agree with the 
recommendation, which is why I think the recommendation needs more context.


 In this profile, the Broker SHOULD always start with a
   clean session regardless of how these parameters are set.

Does this mean that when the Broker recognize that this spec is used, it SHOULD 
disregard the parameters value and start a clean session? What are the cases 
where this is not done ("If necessary" in the next paragraph)?


 includes state on client subscriptions, QoS 1 and QoS 2 messages

At this point I don't know what QoS 1 and QoS messages are, they have not been 
introduced. Only QoS levels have. Maybe a reference or a pointer would help.


RE Authentication Data (Sections, etc): I haven't read MQTT in 
details, but I don't really see any encoding of the Authentication Data field 
in this spec, only that it contains one or more parameters. I would assume that 
is should be in scope of this doc, but if it isn't, that should be clarified.

--  Unauthorised Request: Authorisation Server Discovery

If the Client does not provide a valid token or omits the
   Authentication Data field, the Broker triggers AS discovery. 

Following discussion about AS discovery in this ML: I think this should change 
to being possible, not mandatory. That means changing: s/the Broker triggers AS 
discovery/the Broker MAY trigger AS discovery. I still think it is useful to 
have this section, I am just suggesting it becomes optional.

Also note that not providing a token or omittion the Authentication Data field 
are not the possible error messages. A malformed token or Authenticated Data 
are also possible.


 Figure 5: AIF-MQTT data model

Need to reference CDDL.


Section 3:
What does it mean to have an empty array for scope? (as that is allowed)


Scope appears in section 2.1 for the first time, but its encoding is only 
defined in section 3.


  If the Will Flag is set, then the Broker MUST check that the
   token allows the publication of the Will message (i.e. the Will Topic
   filter is found in the scope).

This sentence is not super clear to me: "if the Will Flag is set" in which 
message? How is the Will Topic filter added to scope? This comes from my 
ignorance of MQTT, so feel free to skip it, but I think an example would have 
helped me here.


Section 4 talks about reauthentication. What described for reauthentication 
should work also for update of access rights, is that correct? Does that add 
any considerations? Anyway I think update of access rights should be discussed 
in this document.


If a client's permissions get revoked but the access
   token has not expired, the RS may still grant publish/subscribe to
   revoked topics. 

What does it mean in practice that client's permissions get revoked? (also nit 
s/permissions get/permission gets) Do you mean that there is no way to do 
access right revocation? If that's the case, I did not understand "the RS may 
still grant ..." as being a negative consequence, so maybe it needs some 



framework to enable
   authorization in an Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT)



The token may be a reference or JSON Web Token

add a reference to rfc7519
You could also add a informative reference to 8392 for the CWT.


Missing references to CoAP (informative) and HTTPS (or rather references to 
HTTP and TLS). 


 Topic Filters may include wildcards

This might be me, but I would have liked some explanation of what wildcards are 
in MQTT.


AUTH Properties
           include Authentication Method and Authentication Data.

I assume "Properties" is specific term from MQTT terminology, but I don't see 
it defined in this section, so maybe either generalize ("field/parameter"? or I 
see you also use "information" for the Will message) or explain it.


If the Client is resource-constrained, a Client Authorisation Server
   may carry out the token request on behalf of the Client,

I might have missed this, where is a "Client Authorization Server" defined? I 
am fine with the terminology used in the figure though, "Client - Authorization 
Server interface".


  If the
   Client authentication uses TLS:Known(RPK/PSK), then the Broker is
   authenticated using the respective method.

s/respective/same? (just to understand better, please disregard if you think it 
is clear as is)


"authz-info" is a public topic, this response is not expected to
   cause confusion.

Maybe s/public/not protected ?


 Similarly, the server MUST NOT process
   any packets other than DISCONNECT or an AUTH that is sent in response
   to its AUTH before it has sent a CONNACK.

add "from that client"


If the Will Flag is set to 1 and the
   Broker accepts the connection request, the Broker must store the Will

I understand that these are not requirements set by this document but rather 
inherited by the MQTT spec, so I would suggest remove the use of must etc (here 
and in other parts of the document) to avoid any question about if this should 
be normative or not later on.


which have have not been completely acknowledged or pending

remove one of the "have"


  In case of an invalid
   PoP token, the CONNACK reason code is '0x87 (Not Authorized)'.

This is in the section about success, while there is a separate section for 
unauthorized request, where imo this would fit better.


   To transport the token to the Broker inside the CONNECT message, the
   Client uses the username and password fields.  

This is just a question rather than a nit: is there no way to register new 
names for these fields in MQTT?

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