Hello Roman,

Thank you for your review. I have taken the liberty to copy your text 
suggestion for the differences to OAuth 2.0 directly into the document as a new 
(you will also find an acknowledgment in the acknowledgments section).

For the issue below, I need to coordinate with the main authors of the other 
drafts you refer to. This may take a bit longer than the rest:
> ** Would the first paragraph of Section 7.2 of draft-ietf-ace-dtls-authorize
> providing caution about the challenges of multiple access tokens be better
> served by placing it in this document?  Section 7 of draft-ietf-ace-oscore-
> profile has similar words too.

I have implemented fixes for your other comments and plan to submit an update 
(including fixes for other IESG reviews as well) by the end of this week.



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