Hello Ace,

I'm currently dealing with some nits in draft-ietf-ace-oauth-authz that I have 
discovered during the final IANA check. For one of them I need group feedback: 

The draft defines a CBOR abbreviation for the Introspection parameter 'cti' 
which is the CWT identifier defined in RFC 8392, however it turns out that 
parameter was never defined as Introspection response parameter, it only exists 
as CWT claim.

 Can this draft just add 'cti' to the OAuth Token Introspection Response 
parameters without affecting the progress of the draft at this stage?

(For those interested, the other nits are: 1. Inconsistent IANA tables where 
some had the column "Original Specification" and some didn't for the CBOR
abbreviation mappings, 2. An obsolete reference that needed to be updated in an 
IANA entry).


Ludwig Seitz
Infrastructure Security Analyst
Combitech AB
Djäknegatan 31 . SE-211 35 Malmö . Sweden
Phone: +46 102 160 846
ludwig.se...@combitech.com . combitech.com This e-mail is private and 
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