Hi Colin

> Ben, I've been very very busy the last while so I only had a 
> chance today to try the 0.51 release. I was previously using 
> the CVS HEAD version from around May 27th, which is a couple 
> of days before you reworked the user caching code.
> There seems to be a problem when digest passwords are used. 
> By the time isPasswordCorrect DaoAuthenticationProvider is 
> call the 2nd and subsequent times, the authentication and 
> user (from the cache) objects it is fed both have the hashed 
> password strings. Then MD5PasswordEncoder tries to rehash 
> what it thinks is the raw pass (coming from the 
> Authentication object), so authentication fails.
> I think this is a probably a very trivial fix, but this is my 
> last day at this position, so I don't know if I will have 
> time to fix this and check in a fix right now, I'm running 
> out of time with lots of stuff to do left, so I may just roll 
> back to the previous version for the time being.

I think this is the same issue as came up on acegisecurity-developers a few
days ago. Check the thread, "DaoAuthenticationProvider doesn't work with
passwordEncoder in 0.51". There is a fix in CVS HEAD.


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