On Wed, 14 Jul 2004 14:41:23 -0500, Travis Gregg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> I am having problems getting Acegi to work in BEA Weblogic
> 8.1 (perhaps the same problem Patrick is having).  Any help or advice
> would be appreciated.  
> My first problem is this:  Bea doesn't seem to
> load the Spring ContextLoader Listener correctly.  To get around this, I'm
> using the Spring ContextLoaderServlet.  Since Filters get loaded before
> the ContextLoaderServlet, they throw an exception since the Spring context is
> not loaded.  I get around this with a modified version of the
> FilterToBeanProxy that swallows exceptions in the init() method, and attempts
> to re-init in the doFilter method if the filter delegate is null.  

> I would appreciate it if anyone can tell me a way to get Bea
> to load the filters correctly without modified code.  


I have Spring Setup to load via the Servlet and have the servlet set
to LoadOnStartUp with a value of 1. My only thought as to why Acegi
can't find the context is that maybe the Context isn't named?

Do you have something like the following in your web.xml:


I only had problems with Acegi not getting the Context in WLS 8.1 when
the webAppRootKey Param wasn't set.

As for your second problem, do any of your servlets or filters call
RequestDispatcher.include() or RequestDispatcher.forward()? If they
do, then WLS applies the filters again on the same thread and Acegi
inadvertantly blows away the Authenication object. I'm working on a
fix for that.


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