
I'm developing some web application with Acegi Security, and I found
some inconsistency in Authentication objects design.
We have Authentication objects, that extend Principal (so they are
principals). They also carry a principal, but this one is an Object (not
a Principal) intended for custom informations about the user. Tipically
this is a UserDetails, but be aware that they are not the details you
get with getDetails() method (that are something different, I call them
AuthenticationRequestDetails).... a lot of mess...

I'm working on different web applications with a couple of nasty things
about security:
 - my users table have uniqueness for PAIRS username/password, not for
usernames, so I can't reuse UserDetailsService.
 - I'm integrating the various webapps in a PHP portal that uses custom
session tokens (carried in each request) after first login.

When I access the SecurityContext I need to find a custom person object
(it varies between applications) attached at the principal (note, a
person is NOT the same as a user, it is NOT a principal!).

I already have a ProcessingFilter/AuthenticationProvider for the custom
token. The latter uses a special Repository with a
loadByUsername( username ) method that finds a list of valid
usernames/password. Then for each of them it checks against the custom
token to find the correct one. I use a strategy to find the right person
object and its privileges so each webapplication can use its own domain
object. I'd want to create a simple extension of this provider to work
also with UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken, but it doesn't work,
because it uses username as its principal object (???) and when I use a
custom domain object as my "principal" I loose the username!
It seems a small flaw in design: name, credentials and request details
should be seperated from user object (the "principal") so they don't
risk to change when the Authentication is processed.
What happen to me is the following:
 - login.jsp posts to j_acegi_security_check fields j_username and
 - AuthenticationProcessingFilter creates a
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken and pass it to authentication
 - My custom AuthenticationProvider processes the token and finds a
custom domain object (a Person) to use as a "principal". It then returns
a new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken that looses the username (it
uses principal.toString()).
 - AuthenticationProcessingFilter redirects to target url, after
HttpSessionContextIntegrationFilter stored the authenticated token in
the session.
 - HttpSessionContextIntegrationFilter restores the token. It then tries
to revalidate it against authentication manager. This time it DON'T
work, because it cannot find the username.

Some suggestion?

Davide Romanini

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