I've already started working on some refactoring. I believe I can
reduce the OpenIDResponseProcessingFilter and
OpenIDLoginInitiationServlet into one standard OpenIdProcessingFilter.

This also has the side effect of increasing test coverage by reducing
the amount of code to test :)

On 4/20/07, Ray Krueger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks to the efforts of Robin Bramley; we now have a first draft of
> OpenID support in the sandbox. The code is mostly as-is from when
> Robin submitted sent it to me. I've done all the standard jalopy
> formatting of the code so it blends in and has the proper file
> headers.
> I've noted two basic Todo items for the code:
> * Improve test coverage
> * Replace OpenIDLoginInitiationServlet with a Filter to apply to our
> normal FilterChain
> I apologize for taking so long to get it together and get it
> committed. Everyone has their priorities to manage!
> Thanks again to Robin for the excellent submission!

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