Ben Alex wrote:
> Hi all
> Carlos and Luke, what's the latest status of the Maven 2 build? Does the
> reference documentation build successfully with Maven 2 as-is? I see
> hasn't built and uploaded since 18 December 2006.
> Luke, is that running the Maven 2 build?
No. The Maven 2 build is here:

Maven 2 has different a different approach to documentation and so on -
it doesn't like html files for one thing, so the existing site docs
would have to be converted. I already started doing this a while back.

> We're shooting at releasing 1.0.4 in the next couple of weeks. Vishal
> Puri is busily working away on it. In terms of introductions, Vishal
> works for Interface21 (the company behind Spring) as a Senior Consultant
> and is based here in Sydney with me. So you'll see more of Vishal on
> this list, in JIRA and SVN. We're aiming at releasing 1.1.0 final in June.
> For 1.0.4 we will stick with the Maven 1.0.x build. For 1.1.0 we will
> refactor the Contacts XML and build (as this is desirable anyway due to
> the new namespaces support which will be present in 1.1.0) and switch
> entirely to Maven 2.
> I'd be happy to switch to Maven 2 immediately (ie for 1.0.4) if it is
> ready, thus the question above for Luke and Carlos.

I think you should stick to things as they are for 1.0.4. Support for
docbook seems pretty flaky too, for example.


 Luke Taylor.                      Monkey Machine Ltd.
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