In my experience, the restrictions are trivial. See, which tackles a similar problem and 
describes the policy as I know it. In particular:

JCO is approved for export by U.S. Dept. of Commerce Bureau of Industry 
and Security Regulation #740.13E5  under TSU License Exception 
ECCN#5D002. The distribution url,, was 
registered via email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED] on August 7, 
2003 as instructed in a phone conversation on that date with the 
Department of Commerce consultation hotline (who were most helpful, by 
the way). The exception was confirmed by email on August 8.

Bear Giles wrote:
> A potential problem is import/export restrictions on code that uses (not 
> provides) encryption.  This is rare, but the second and third items may 
> need to be distributed in a separate jar file.

Brad J. Cox, Ph.D.
Office: 703 361 4751 Cell: 571-247-1674 Wife: 703 368 1174
Work: Personal:

When you want it bad, you get it bad,
and most people want it in the worst way.
        - Heidi Heiden

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