Two comments: Echoing an etag would be easier.  SHA-512 is overkill.

On 9 December 2015 at 10:15, Michael Tandy <> wrote:
> Currently in the new-reg stage, the client POSTs a signed message, which may
> contain the URI of a user agreement. If the content of the URL changes, the
> results could be confusing - client software updating certificates might
> post the agreement URL without the user having agreed to the revised terms.
> Is it worth adding an optional agreement integrity field? We could use a
> format like this:-
> "agreement":
> "";,
> "agreement-integrity":
> "sha512-3Ys8QL9di54ggXIGBAS2RHr_W6cMurZPizhZihkQjwl3VG2dpXZYmsYZ0B7LG-tWlVE9-Hwp9hL3Mosvbr6lCA"
> where the checksum is calculated like so:-
> $ cat LE-SA-v1.0.1-July-27-2015.pdf  | openssl dgst -sha512 -binary |
> openssl base64 -A | tr -- '+/' '-_' | tr -d '='
> 3Ys8QL9di54ggXIGBAS2RHr_W6cMurZPizhZihkQjwl3VG2dpXZYmsYZ0B7LG-tWlVE9-Hwp9hL3Mosvbr6lCA
> That way if the CA updates the agreement without updating the URL, it'll be
> clear which version the user has agreed to.
> The main downsides to this are:
> 1. It complicates setting up the client; realistically, instead of
> downloading, reading, and checksumming the user agreement most users will
> simply copy-and-paste the configuration data from some website. Why add to
> the boilerplate configuration, making the software harder to use for no real
> benefit? We all know in reality enforcement of the user agreement will be by
> certificate revocation, not by the courts; why add to the sound and fury of
> threatening legalese when it signifies nothing?
> 2. Perhaps allowing CAs to update their user agreements without the user's
> knowledge is preferable to CAs breaking users' certificate renewal scripts
> without the user's knowledge. The latter could mean that a server that is
> running fine and securely one day will become inaccessible the next day,
> unable to renew its certificate without manual intervention to accept a new
> agreement. Reliably sending e-mail is difficult due to spam filtering, so
> many servers aren't set up to push notification to administrators when
> problems like this arise.
> 3. The checksummed agreement could refer to other documents; those would not
> be covered by the checksum, so they could be changed. The only thing
> preventing this is good faith on the part of the CAs. Given that we rely on
> that, why not also rely on the good faith of the CA to update the URL when
> they update the agreement?
> 4. If SHA-512 becomes obsolete, manual intervention may be required to
> calculate a new checksum using an updated algorithm. In the event there were
> multiple CAs and SHA-512 approached obsolescence, some CAs might only accept
> SHA-512 while others didn't accept SHA-512. Clients might be complicated
> with an ability to send multiple checksums, or to negotiate the checksum
> algorithm.
> 5. This proposal is similar to except this
> proposal uses URL- and filename-safe base64 encoding (RFC4648 Section 5 with
> padding removed), only requires SHA-512, and doesn't explicitly support
> multiple hash algorithms; whereas the SRI recommendation uses traditional
> base64 encoding (RFC4648 Section 4); requires SHA-256, SHA-384 and SHA-512;
> and explicitly includes support for multiple hash algorithms. Designs so
> similar yet incompatible may be a recipe for confusion; perhaps additional
> differences should be introduced so the incompatible standards are more
> obviously different.
> 6. People are already writing client software; maybe it's too late to update
> the spec for such a marginal improvement.
> What do you think?
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