On 12/05/2017 03:07 PM, Sophie Herold wrote:
> Having mentioned new-authz: The definition of new-authz is now a subset
> of new-order. Is there any reason to keep the new-authz resource at all?
> Would there be any difference in using new new-order with the exact same
> query without finalizing it?

Yeah, I agree that this is a happy side-effect of making order
finalization an explicit step: there is now even less need for
preauthorization (i.e. new-authz). I strongly favor removing it. Eric, I
think you were the strongest voice in favor of adding preauthorization
to the spec when we moved to the new-order flow. Do you still feel it's
necessary? For context, you can accomplish the same thing by posting a
new-order for a single identifier, but not finalizing the order.

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