On Wed, Jan 24, 2018 at 05:54:56PM +0000, Tim Hollebeek wrote:
> So, if what is below can actually be made to work, it would be very 
> interesting as
> it would be a demonstration of how to use CNAME to evade the intent of the
> current BR validation requirements!  Luckily I don't think it works.
> "_acme-challenge.label-to-validate.example.com CNAME _acme-
> challenge.label-to-validate.example.com.account-id-ref-to-account-
> pubkey.shard1.dynamic-dns-service.theca.example.net"
> If this succeeds, you are ONLY allowed to issue for 
> "_acme-challenge.label-to-validate.example.com" and not
> "label-to-validate.example.com".  I realize there's a proposal in this thread
> to change that but I think this discussion shows why that would be a very
> bad idea and would weaken the existing Baseline Requirements.

There is no "proposal" to allow it, it _is_ allowed by the BRs, the
very definition of DNS validation.


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