Rich version of this review at:

S 3.
>      used to refer to fully qualified domain names.  If a ACME server
>      wishes to request proof that a user controls a IPv4 or IPv6 address
>      it MUST create an authorization with the identifier type "ip".  The
>      value field of the identifier MUST contain the textual form of the
>      address as defined in [RFC1123] Section 2.1 for IPv4 and in [RFC4291]
>      Section 2.2 for IPv6.

Are all three variants here valid?

S 4.
>      For the "tls-alpn-01" the subjectAltName extension in the validation
>      certificate MUST contain a single iPAddress which matches the address
>      being validated.  As [RFC6066] does not permit IP addresses to be
>      used in the SNI extension the server MUST instead use the IN-
>      ADDR.ARPA [RFC1034] or IP6.ARPA [RFC3596] reverse mapping of the IP
>      address as the SNI value instead of the literal IP address.

What happens if an attacker forces an incorrect SNI on you here? I
don't see any security analysis below, but I suspect it's bad,

S 6.
>   6.  Security Considerations
>      Given the often short delegation periods for IP addresses provided by
>      various service providers CAs MAY want to impose shorter lifetimes
>      for certificates which contain IP identifiers.  They MAY also impose

If the WG thinks that providers ought to do this, then it should say
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