IIRC it was dual purpose: state some randomish time to reduce load spike at 12:00AM or mass renewal after mass revocation event, and order renew when revocation is imminent.

I think it's pretty safe to say IFF ARI time changes from what it's set just after certificate creation, you could guess there will be revocation for that leaf certificate.

2023-03-23 오전 1:46에 Amir Omidi 이(가) 쓴 글:
My concern with this is that it creates a bit of a requirement to revoke by/on that time, which doesn't seem to be the intent of ARI I think?

Also what should the precision of this time field be? day/hour/etc?

On Wed, Mar 22, 2023 at 10:35 AM Andrew Ayer <a...@andrewayer.name> wrote:

    I'm working on adding an ARI client to a certificate monitoring
    to notify users when one of their certificates is scheduled to be
    revoked.  Unfortunately, ARI doesn't currently convey whether the
    suggestedWindow is mandatory (because the certificate is going to be
    revoked) or merely advisory.

    I had previously thought that an end time that was earlier than the
    certificate's expiration would indicate an upcoming revocation, but it
    appears that Let's Encrypt's ARI endpoint routinely specifies an end
    time that is ~30 days earlier than the certificate's expiration.

    I propose that the renewalInfo object contain a nullable field called
    revocationTime which specifies the time the certificate is going to be
    revoked, if applicable.


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