how about ratelimit? for large hosting they will hit CA's default API ratelimit fast, so they contract with a specific CA for ratelimit increase. feels like entire automatic CA loadbearing doesn't work without hosting provider having eab/acme account from domain holder: if it already have menu for upload such that menu could have a box for acme directory Uri too.

2023-07-07 오후 4:54에 Paul van Brouwershaven 이(가) 쓴 글:
Hi Seo,

    a. ) CAs may want to put list of acme endpoints at well-known, for
    example one each for DV/OV/EV like sectigo did with <>

This could be solved by setting a CAA record to for example "" who could have its own ACME server.

    b. ) I think hosting provider wouldn't want to visit a random CA
    without human intervention, not only due to potential Malicious
    one but an open acme endpoint may not allowed to use, for example
    CA having noncommercial use only limit on that endpoint, and
    likely stick to CA they know even if it's low priority from CAA.

If the terms of service limit usage to non-commercial use, the domain owner should not set the CAA record if they run a commercial service, the domain owner is the entity giving the instruction to the ACME client and thus requests the certificate from the CA and be bound to the terms of service.


*From:* Acme <> on behalf of Seo Suchan <>
*Sent:* Friday, July 7, 2023 04:29
*To:* <>
*Subject:* Re: [Acme] FW: [EXTERNAL] New Version Notification for draft-vanbrouwershaven-acme-auto-discovery-00.txt
a. ) CAs may want to put list of acme endpoints at well-known, for
example one each for DV/OV/EV like sectigo did with;!!FJ-Y8qCqXTj2!brMU-rWmiKuQ6G5EN8Ns5JEESSjbP9myZLjFfF9ISFYfPkLxgoTVs-Vuaaw80lPbmpqojB3H7KCIz7G4NTvjUpZ_0A$

b. ) I think hosting provider wouldn't want to visit a random CA without
human intervention, not only due to potential Malicious one but an open
acme endpoint may not allowed to use, for example CA having
noncommercial use only limit on that endpoint, and likely stick to CA
they know even if it's low priority from CAA.

2023-07-06 오후 11:54에 Mike Ounsworth 이(가) 쓴 글:
> Hi ACME!
> This is new business that we would like to add to the agenda for 117.
> Thanks,
> ---
> Mike Ounsworth & Paul van Brouwershaven
> -----Original Message-----
> From: <>
> Sent: Thursday, July 6, 2023 9:39 AM
> To: Mike Ounsworth <>; Paul van Brouwershaven <> > Subject: [EXTERNAL] New Version Notification for draft-vanbrouwershaven-acme-auto-discovery-00.txt
> WARNING: This email originated outside of Entrust.
> DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you trust the sender and know the content is safe.
> ______________________________________________________________________
> A new version of I-D, draft-vanbrouwershaven-acme-auto-discovery-00.txt
> has been successfully submitted by Paul van Brouwershaven and posted to the IETF repository.
> Name: draft-vanbrouwershaven-acme-auto-discovery
> Revision:       00
> Title:          Auto-discovery mechanism for ACME client configuration
> Document date:  2023-07-06
> Group:          Individual Submission
> Pages:          16
> URL:;!!FJ-Y8qCqXTj2!brMU-rWmiKuQ6G5EN8Ns5JEESSjbP9myZLjFfF9ISFYfPkLxgoTVs-Vuaaw80lPbmpqojB3H7KCIz7G4NTtFe7gh7Q$ > Status:;!!FJ-Y8qCqXTj2!brMU-rWmiKuQ6G5EN8Ns5JEESSjbP9myZLjFfF9ISFYfPkLxgoTVs-Vuaaw80lPbmpqojB3H7KCIz7G4NTuBIoUWfg$ > Html:;!!FJ-Y8qCqXTj2!brMU-rWmiKuQ6G5EN8Ns5JEESSjbP9myZLjFfF9ISFYfPkLxgoTVs-Vuaaw80lPbmpqojB3H7KCIz7G4NTvXjxu71A$ > Htmlized:;!!FJ-Y8qCqXTj2!brMU-rWmiKuQ6G5EN8Ns5JEESSjbP9myZLjFfF9ISFYfPkLxgoTVs-Vuaaw80lPbmpqojB3H7KCIz7G4NTt9chylcg$
> Abstract:
>     A significant impediment to the widespread adoption of the Automated
>     Certificate Management Environment (ACME) [RFC8555] is that ACME
>     clients need to be pre-configured with the URL of the ACME server to
>     be used.  This often leaves domain owners at the mercy of their
>     hosting provider as to which Certification Authorities (CAs) can be
>     used.  This specification provides a mechanism to bootstrap ACME
>     client configuration from a domain's DNS CAA Resource Record
>     [RFC8659], thus giving control of which CA(s) to use back to the
>     domain owner.
>     Specifically, this document specifies two new extensions to the DNS
>     CAA Resource Record: the "discovery" and "priority" parameters.
>     Additionally, it registers the URI "/.well-known/acme" at which all
>     compliant ACME servers will host their ACME directory object.  By
>     retrieving instructions for the ACME client from the authorized
>     CA(s), this mechanism allows for the domain owner to configure
>     multiple CAs in either load-balanced or fallback prioritizations
>     which improves user preferences and increases diversity in
>     certificate issuers.
> The IETF Secretariat
> Any email and files/attachments transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If this message has been sent to you in error, you must not copy, distribute or disclose of the information it contains. Please notify Entrust immediately and delete the message from your system.
> _______________________________________________
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