On 09.05.2012 00:19, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
aw, cool :) i'm glad you like it. it's been fun working on it from design to
implementation ...

as of today we also have the nice little error and confirmation bubbles that
i've been dreaming of (see attached screenshot for what pops up when you press

Awesome! I think these should work pretty well. We just have to make sure (through some testing by ourselves or other users) that the bubble is big enough so users won't dismiss it by accidentally tapping outside too easily.

we have the test server up and running, though i have not yet tested the
installation for correctly sending email (though hopefully it is; will test
this tomorrow) and it is still a beta version so server interuptions are
possible ... but it should essentially work for people interested in taking it
for a spin, and Sebastian has added it to the PA images...

Is it available in the repos that the Meego image is using as well? What's the package name? If it isn't, I guess I'll have to give the Balsam images (those are what you mean by "PA images", right?) another try.

The column swiping interaction looks very useful. I'll have to see how this
can be generalized and put into an HIG.

awesome :)

I guess I'll do this one soon. It's more fun than writing HIGs for the usual stuff, anyway (though those have to be done eventually as well, of course) :)

Here are some small things that I suggest thinking about:
- I found the wording "Uninstall" for books a bit strange. It makes sense
for apps, but I don't think it fits for books. Maybe just "Remove"?

even for apps, i figure this makes sense. "Uninstall" is not the opposite of
"Download", while "Remove" is much closer.

Sure, +1 for consistency :)

- Maybe the "Read" button for installed books should be placed above the
"Remove" button. The advantage of the current button order is that it makes
clear that "Download" and "Uninstall" (or "Remove") are basically two sides
of one coin. However, if a user uses the add-ons app as the starting point
for reading e-books, "Read" would be the primary function, not "Remove",
and thus it should come first.



- There should be a "Remove" button for Wallpapers as well ;)

there is now :)

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