On Friday 22 June 2012, Sascha Manns wrote:
> Hello mates,
> atm i'm working on the Balsam PA. I would like to make the YaST
> Liveinstaller available in the Image in Launch & Peek.
> I've searched in active-blacklistrc (Package plasma-contour-config) and
> found just a Entry "yast". I tried to removed that, but then just the YaST
> Standard Desktopfile is visible. No other YaST Modules like the
> Live-Installer. But why the Liveinstaller is invisible if he isn't in the
> Blacklist?

is that a desktop file of type application that would usually appear in a 
standard menu such as kickoff or classic menu?

maybe there is a hidden or onlyshowin field?

Marco Martin
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