Hi all,

I am in favor of getting PA3 out before we merge in big changes, but I'm not really happy with just slapping a version number onto whatever we currently have and releasing it. Instead I personally think PA is mature enough to do "proper" release management - like KDE SC or several Extragear projects - by now, meaning
- Branching PA3 out from Trunk
- Setting a feature freeze (since we're not in the standard translation process yet, we won't need a string freeze, correct?)
- Maybe doing a Beta release
- Doing one or more RC(s)
- Releasing only when PA3 is stable enough
I don't think we can get PA3 out in August that way, but we could reopen Trunk for the merges before we release PA3.

I believe that especially Vivaldi owners (I assume they will receive their devices in the near future) should get a release which is stable enough (even if not "feature-complete") for everyday use soon. If we put out PA3 in a hurry just because we want to merge in new stuff, they will be stuck with an unfinished product until PA4, which I don't think is a good thing. Yes, those who have preordered Vivaldi tablets are surely mostly enthusiasts / geeks who don't mind a few bugs, but they should be able to show their devices to their friends without fearing that something might break easily.

What do you think?

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